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King Lemming

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About King Lemming

  • Birthday 09/16/1984

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Actually we already properly clear our cache and clean up after ourselves, I just went back through the code and verified. We can't even find the line number referred to in that crash log - that's an older beta it seems. But even in our old ones, we were fine. I'll see what the cause of this is, but if your frames work as elegantly as you claim, this actually shouldn't happen, despite the enormous and unjustifiable computational strain. Conduits are getting a complete rewrite for FMP, so we'll see how they behave after that.
  2. Actually, there's more to it than validate/invalidate - it's not a simple matter of "cleaning up." Conduits are ridiculously, absurdly complex multiblock structures and they shouldn't be moved. Period. I'm not sure if there's a fix or not, but I'm not inclined to find one due to the performance hit that constantly moving a multiblock structure is going to result in.
  3. For now it will only spawn in new chunks, but I'm adding a flag to CoFHWorld that will force regen all of the ores it handles (this includes Osmium in the Tekkit pack). Will see about getting that pushed soon.
  4. Problem with that generator is that it requires water. That's it. Just water. The balancing point was that it took TWO pumps and golden pipes to fill it (oh noes!) So there's a post somewhere in that forum where people are calling TE overpowered because you can supply the 500 MJ/t effectively Creative-mode generator with a single liquiduct. It was apparently completely lost on them that 500 MJ/t for WATER is maybe stupid.
  5. Likely 1.6 when the new Fluid system goes in.
  6. It's happening, yes.
  7. You're thinking of "CovertJaguar" there, chief.
  8. Tone down the rhetoric. It's not either of those things, it's higher than you want it to be, that is all.
  9. It's already configurable. But no, I don't plan on changing the default.
  10. You. You're going places. Ideally one of those places is the wiki so you can read about the mods actually in the pack and see why you're an idiot.
  11. Nope. Had it working but it broke compatibility with immibis' microblocks and everyone whined. We're redoing conduits completely anyways and sidedness will no longer be a thing on Energy Conduit.
  12. While this is true, a single conduit doesn't actually let you send energy anywhere. At least not right now.
  13. Find one of the machines in NEI and hit "R" on it. I believe that MFR is using Thermal Expansion-based recipes in this pack.
  14. Hrm, I would imagine that it's actually 160k. However, this is about par for the course - Forestry's ethanol is 200k per bucket, regular fuel is 600k, and in a RailCraft (should you add it) boiler, multiply by 1.4 or so. It's really not that absurd given that lava is virtually free.
  15. This is just a function of how Forge's current LiquidContainerRegistry happens to work. I've just rewritten a new fluid system for Forge which will standardize this behavior and hopefully allow for the Transposer to be fully compatible with this stuff in the future.
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