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Everything posted by agelian

  1. If you search google you come up with a similar problem here: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3168879?start=0&tstart=0 see how that goes for you
  2. try run the bat file https://github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/raw/master/RunLauncherOrgiGC.bat
  3. Once you've got Maven setup with the project and have it in eclipse.. you can right click the rom.xml and choose Run As > install that will produce the jar file. Let me know if you have any other issues
  4. The issue was with the backdate code.. if the launcher doesnt have the patch to downgrade the mc jar then it will fail... And Minecraft managed to update to a new version 3 times in 2 days. There way to get around having to make a downgrade patch for each new version without distributing the jar yourself.
  5. The launcher wont update existing players to 1.2 until we release a version for it. New player will have their download 1.2 minecraft.jar downgraded to 1.1 to run the current version.. AKA your users dont have to even worry about it
  6. Could be related to this bug http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/340-13-infinite-threads/ seems the threads dont go away in linux
  7. No at this time the launcher does not have that functionality.. it is possible to be added but would be pretty low on the priority level right now as there are a lot of much higher priority things to get done atm.
  8. You do realise that computercraft allows computers to run in the game.. if i put a computer block down and then write a stupid program on it and then have it auto run on boot its going to cause issues.. So in summary unless you are able to police who can put down computer blocks and what they can run then yes it might be best to disable it for now as that its the basis of the mod itself.. computers in minecraft. We include it for people who play tekkit with friends.. for the larger servers.. well you may need to find a way to police who can put down the block and access it or just disable it alltogether, there will likely never really be a 'fix'
  9. you cant use 3g or 2g on a 32-bit system for Java. try 1536m instead
  10. I've just added the Wireless client to the mod.. so you should receive an update message when you run Tekkit client on launcher. That should sort it out.. Let me know if there are any issues.
  11. Its a feature we are looking into but haven't implemented yet.
  12. Tried downloading the jar itself (Mac Linux version) and giving that a go
  13. Have you tried Shift right clicking the exe and choose run as admin? might be a permission issue
  14. You need BOTH 64bit OS AND 64bit Java to go over 1.8gb heap memory for java. having 16gb on a 32bit system is pretty useless
  15. if your typing in mb of ram add a m to the end.. so 1024m or 1g is essentially the same. If you have 12gb of ram but use 32-bit windows or 32bit java guess what.. your limited to like 1.8g of ram maximum.. either way technic should not need more than 1gb of ram realistically
  16. the VM could not allocate the amount of RAM you requested.. try lower values
  17. agelian

    crash report

    you have double ic2 mods in your mods folder.. clear cache in options and try download again
  18. Please dont bump we will let you know when an official changelog is out and bumping definitely wont help that process A temporary fix is to use the github history for the tekkit config file (its not complete as it will miss the commits for the mods themselves but its a start: https://github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/commits/master/tekkit/modpack.yml
  19. are you using the latest version of the launcher? that issue wiwth double mods in the mods directory should not be happening in
  20. Which jar version did you download? The latest is techniclauncher-
  21. look at the common problems thread and read the bit right at the top about posting the log files to pastebin. If you do that then I will have something more concrete to look at rather than just it doesn't work.. That is the only real way I can help if I cant reproduce the problem on my end
  22. We've mentioned previously that we are going to implement optional mods. Since we do this on our own spare time for no pay then you will understand why we have to depends on end users to test the launcher itself and help iron out the bugs. It is slowly getting more stable and I do hope to sort the ongoing memory issue but this isn't my 9-5 job and most likely never will be. I help out the technic team because I enjoy the challenge and helping out a lot of people to have a hassle free Technic experience. Since the launcher has only been out for a few days if it's not up to your standards I can suggest you just leave it for now and come back an try it again in a few weeks. It costs you nothing and never will. Hopefully this reply provides a bit of insight into what I happening behind the scenes. Once we launched I took time off from the launcher except from critical bugs as it took a lot I time and effort to get going. Once things settle down I'm sure a lot o the core functionality that is currently missing will get implemented. You'll just have to be patient is all Cheers!
  23. Re: Common Problems (And their solutions) Did you follow the answer to problem number 5 at the start of this thread.. that should apply to osx as well
  24. Re: Common Problems (And their solutions) RICON use this guide to set a default application to open .cfg files.. You'll find them in the .techniclauncher\technicssp\configs\ folder. assosciate it with soemthing like textedit.. and then the mod select button will work. EDIT: Forgot the link http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2573/os_x_how_to_change_default_application_to_open_file_type/
  25. EZSPECIAL: if you put legit minecraft.jar (non-modified) into the .techniclauncher\cache directory as minecraft_1.1.jar it will use that if the MD5 Hash matches the original
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