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Everything posted by KiwiUSA

  1. I think they are here: http://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/1t5nr0/opencomputers_not_a_computercraft_clone/
  2. Agreed, I wish there was some kind of block extender for MFR machines. Wiring conduit, liquiduct and level emitter makes autospawning rooms inefficient at best.
  3. Yes, that's what I use
  4. No problems at all, I might just have to work it a bit differently. I carry 3 ender pouches with me: 1)Send back to base sorting system. Sitting on an AE interface 2)Remote Request. Connected to LP Remote Orderer Pipe 3)Handy Tools. The one above the Infuser If I send back items needing to be charged to my first pouch, have ae route all of the appropriate items to the infuser. Then I can get them back out of my "Tools" pouch. Might have to just run with this for a bit. This gives me the physical separation phazeonphoenix talks about
  5. My tests shows it just endlessly cycling a full one from the chest to the infuser and back again because the fuzzy export bus still grabs a fully charged one. Can you check yours again and confirm it's not a fully charged item? This is what I got back from Algorithm:
  6. Thanks Guys, I had some weirdness with the AE fuzzy bus and MPS armor. Algorithm just replied to me on the minecraft forums that the bus can't detect the charge level of MPS items as there is no "damage" bar for them. I'll have to test the Advanced wooden pipe to see if that can see the charge value. I suspect it probably can't. Anybody know of any other method of checking the charge value of MPS items?
  7. I'm pondering various ways to do this: I have an Ender Chest sitting on top of a Energetic Infuser, the Infuser is configured to eject upwards into the Ender Chest. What are some methods I could use to just extract items requiring to be charged from the chest and place into the infuser? Items could be anything that requires MJ charge (MPS items, Vibration Catalyst etc.). The process should ignore fully charged and un-chargeable items. A turtle springs to mind, anything else? P.S. The Ender Chest is paired with an Ender Pouch, that I keep all of my "tools" in.
  8. Skyboy, who has been a part of the PowerCrystals dev team for a while has just released his 1.6x builds of Nether Ores/MFR/Power Converters etc here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2016680-162164-powercrystals-mods-minefactoryreloaded-powercrystalscore-and-netherores-updated/
  9. Hmmmm, that's a tricky one and I'm not sure it's possible. If I understand you correctly, you want to keep it stocked with coal OR charcoal etc etc
  10. LP Supplier Pipe can keep an exact quantity stocked in an adjacent inventory. Nothing pops out at all. Set the Supplier Pipe to keep a stack of coal in each steam engine.
  11. Thanks guys - That works
  12. I can't test this at the moment, but I think the syntax of os.pullEvent returns the Event as the first parameter: So I would try: event, id, message = os.pullEvent("rednet_message")
  13. Take a look at this thread on the Tekkit forums. Lot's of info about conserving fuel and maximizing output from fusion reactors. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/atomic-science-fuel-life-config.51474/
  14. I tend to agree with you on this, but, if you use a portion of the fusion power to fully power a MFR Laser Drill, I think you will get more Tin than you use, making it semi renewable.
  15. Lol - I'm with you, Digdug on the copper issue. My 4 core reactor now feeds 68 Liquid Managers and then through 8 Liquid Tesseracts to my Turbine Room. I've now got 144 Large Turbines and still have an excess of steam. I'm waiting for my 2 64x64 Quarries to produce enough Copper so I can add some more turbines. BTW - Still only consuming 10 cells per hour.
  16. Hi all, Thought I would Galacticraft a shot now that my Fusion Reactor is mostly done. First thing I ran into was my apparent inability to automatically fill Oxgen Tanks in the Oxygen Compressor. I can't even seem to get empty tanks into it through an AE Export Bus on any side. Has anybody had any success with this, or does the block not implement ISidedInventory at all?
  17. Hi Toki, I don't do it with a timer, I just detect when the steam is empty in my main storage, using that rednet signal to insert another cell into each reactor. This approach requires a small buffer storage of steam near the turbines so that they don't run out as the reactor reheats.
  18. I think you are on to it. A steam liquiduct seems to be able to carry 100mB/T. If you are generating steam at a greater rate than that, there are obvious bottlenecks. Solution. Make it parallel :)
  19. I worked backwards on the number of liquiducts using a fuzzy form of logic to ensure the lower tiers were always filled. It went in a simplified fashion like this: Each turbine is connected to 1 liquiduct, therefore I need 2 liquiducts feeding my buffer supply, therefore I need 3 liquiducts feeding my main storage. That way, the turbines could never run out of steam. i.e. higher throughput at higher levels. Hope this makes sense....
  20. Here are a couple of pics: http://imgur.com/k32swGY,OQKMjVN I have the whole reactor inside a pocket dimension. There are 8 bc tanks going from floor to ceiling with a bc gate at the bottom of each. Each tank is fed by 3 liquiducts. Each liquiduct has 2 Liquid Managers in parallel. (Total of 48 Liquid Managers) In the second pic. you can see one of my 8 buffer tanks. 3 liquiducts in, 2 out(on the top). These are the ones that keep the turbines spinning while waiting for the reactor to reheat. Hope this helps.
  21. Apologies if this is thought as necroing the thread, but I've finally finished my fusion reactor redesign and can address the OP. My setup: 4 Fusion reactors, steam funnels on top to liquiducts. Feeding primary steam storage and then a steam buffer. The reactors have vanilla droppers beneath them (kept full with LP supplier although AE would be find) The primary storage has a bc gate set to emit when it's empty, this signal triggers the dropper to insert a single cell into each reactor. The buffer storage keeps the turbines going while the reactor heats up again. The results: Generating > 2000 MJ/t and fully powering 4 x MFR mining laser (400MJ/t each) Fuel usage: 1 set of 4 cells every 20 minutes (Real Time) Summary: The fuel life isn't really an issue at all, only insert cells when you need them.
  22. MFR Rancher gets milk from cows and mushroom soup from mooshrooms. (in 1.1.8)
  23. Double post - sorry
  24. Thanks CharlieChop, Steam continues to be generated long after the fuel has been used up. A long time after, so the control mechanism has to be centered on fuel insertion. Using layers of tanks, I use a gate to emit a signal when a higher level tank is out of steam, that triggers the insertion of a single cell into each of the reactors. I'll share some results later on actual fuel use using this method.
  25. Apologies for the thread hijacking. Here's a link to the AS forums: http://forum.calclavia.com/index.php?forums/atomic-science.39/
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