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Everything posted by KiwiUSA
Hi All, I just finished one of these based on Toki's design with the only change being the drop of 4 turbines to allow me to pipe deuterium to the reactors from the top. With the feed power being set at 50MJ/t, I seem to be generating an excess of 293 MJ/t. I calculated this by feeding the output to 4 laser prechargers, each one measured at 73.26 MJ/t. BTW, I disabled conduit loss in ThermalExpansion.cfg (I:EnergyFramework.Redstone.Loss=0) first. This is with the default AtomicScience.cfg (D:"Turbine Output Multiplier"=4.5). Does this correlate with what others are seeing?
Thanks so much BShurilla, now off to redesign.....
Can the reactors also be automatically fed with deuterium? In the designs I've looked at, there is only once accessible reactor side, which I assume you have to use for input power. For that matter, seeing as the fusion reactor doesn't have a gui, is it even possible to fill them via AE?
Or you could put a TE Cyclic Assembler directly behind the MFR Harvester to automatically convert the Pumpkins/Melons to seeds first......
I would suggest using a AE precision export bus against your bioreactor, that will allow you to stuff 8 different plant types in. If you want a 9th, add a basic export bus to another side of the bioreactor with another "plant source". Hope this makes sense.
That's the easiest way I've found. I keep a pair of Liquid Transposers (Redstone and Ender) fully stocked at all times via a pair of export bus / Magma Crucible. Then just have crafting patterns in the Transposers AE Interface for 1 empty conduit = 1 full conduit etc. A bit expensive to setup, especially for the ender, but it works well on 1.1.5. Note there is a bug in the AE included with 1.06 that stops the Energy Cell being produced. http://ae-mod.info/Tracker/0115/
I think you are seeing the baby Mooshrooms...
All great ideas. Thanks all. Here's a link to a small album of my "work in progress" base. http://imgur.com/a/Juzba Pic 1) Farm. All 5 tree types, Cactus, Cocoa Beans, Potatoes, Carrots, Melons, Pumpkin, Wheat. (not shown is the underground Giant Mushroom farm for both types) Pic 2) Biofuel Generation. 9 Reactors all stocked with 9 types each Pic 3 & 4) Animal Farm 1 - Essence & Fertilizer Pic 5) Computer control of Animal Farm and Mob Grinder Pic 6) Inside Mob Grinder Pic 7) Linking all my AE networks through Logistics Pipes (for now...) Pic 8) Power Generation and Storage. (Transmission is on layer above) Pic 9) Liquid Storage (just so I can see status easily in one spot) Pic 10) My second design of an Animal Farm. This one works a bit better.
Has anybody had problems migrating an existing world from 1.0.6 to 1.1.5? Mine did not go well. I can handle all the BlockID changes due to the Mystcraft update, but I also get a fatal error with the following: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Don't be sad, have a hug! <3 Time: 7/3/13 9:18 PM Description: Ticking tile entity java.lang.NullPointerException at mods.immibis.core.porting.ClientProxy142.isOp(ClientProxy142.java:78) at mods.immibis.chunkloader.DimensionalAnchors.getMaxQuota(DimensionalAnchors.java:443) at mods.immibis.chunkloader.TileChunkLoader.limitRadius(TileChunkLoader.java:224) at mods.immibis.chunkloader.TileChunkLoader.setActive(TileChunkLoader.java:44) at mods.immibis.chunkloader.TileChunkLoader.func_70316_g(TileChunkLoader.java:92) at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:2202) at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:546) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:654) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:573) at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:127) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:470) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573) Really just wondering if it's worth trying to update an existing world or to start again. EDIT: I managed to update the world by rolling it back to 1.0.6 and removing the Dimensional Anchors before updating. Placing them again in the 1.1.5 world went without a hitch.
There is a "ME Condenser" is the latest AE build that looks as if it may be a Recycler replacement. I haven't tried it yet so I'm not sure what the Byproduct may be.
I read somewhere that there is a bug with NEI's highlight tip option that causes some plants to disappear when you look at them. This may be the cause of the visual issue.
Slightly off topic - but just noticed this in the Thermal Expansion change Log. Seems that conduits no longer have loss and the Tesserect nerf is now down to 20%. Changes my proposed Laser Drill energy supply design a little.
Here is the setup that I used. It's pretty ugly logic as I slapped it together in a hurry. Page 1 Square Wave with 255 input (I think this is around 20secs) -> Var1 Page 2 One Shot of Var1 (Pulse Former) -> Var2 Page 3 Nand of the two Level Emitters -> Var3 Page 4 And Var2, Var3 -> output to dispenser.
Here's a quick cutaway view I just mocked up. Pic 1 shows the dispenser facing upward. Pic 2 the system working. Hope this helps.
I have my flower farm setup in much the same way as MFR farms. 5x5 area of grass with a MFR harvester (+2 upgrade), but with a dispenser filled with bonemeal facing up where the planter would normally be. I use a PRC as a timer and "AND" gate set at about 20 seconds with 2 x AE level emitters to keep 1024 of both yellow and red flowers in stock. Bonus output of lots of seeds from the tall grass.
Pulverize some Tin & Copper, then craft the results into pulverized Bronze Dust, then smelt it into a Bronze ingot. From memory, it's 3 Copper to one Tin. You also used to be able to do it directly with TE's Induction Furnace. I haven't tested that in 1.1.5 yet though.
If you are wearing a Modular Power Suit, you have to disable Night Vision when in Pocket Dimensions. I have NV bound to my . (Period) key for this purpose, as I always forget....
Thanks - works a treat And to add to this, my new favorite is mushrooms.... My pick of 9 assuming you have enough fertilizer to support it. Potatoes, Carrots, Cocoa Beans, Spruce, Birch, Oak, Red Mushrooms, Brown Mushrooms, Ink Sacks.
Interestingly enough. All of the dye colors work in the bio-reactor. Red & Yellow from flowers may be sustainable, I guess Orange as a direct option as well Lapis works BoneMeal I'm intrigued by the Ink Sack idea. How to you keep the squid from despawning if you leave the base?
This is more of a "crystal ball" type of question than any results of testing, but.. Do we have a sense where modders are heading regarding microblocks? AE supports Immibis for ME cables, PowerCrystals has indicated he is waiting for CB's version for RedNet and I'm not sure where KingLemming is leaning for conduits. I would hate to see the pack having to support multiple models going forward.
Logistics Pipes - Sorry
Interdimensional linking of LP networks works well using Inventory System Connector Pipes and Item Tesserects. (They do not seem to require a frequency card though?) Remote bases now have full access to the home base inventory (both AE and LP) and remote LP crafting. This is awesome as I can now move my laggy sheep and cow breeding/grinding elsewhere. Also tested the remote orderer pipe / ender chest / ender pouch combo and all works. Pretty cool requesting additional stuff as I'm flying through the Nether ;)
Ooops. 1) Inventory is shared. Each mod can see the storage in the other. 2) Crafting is uni-directional - You can craft LP recipes from within AE but LP does not show AE recipes 3) Remote requester delivers inventory correctly, but does not deliver crafting results (they go back into the system) .... Now off to test the interdimensional stuff
My initial testing results fro LP - AE integration. 1)
I see a number of threads mentioning 1.1.0 and after downloading the constantly changing build, all is I can say is WOW. So many great mods and mod authors seemingly working together. I was wondering if there was a better place to discuss this evolving build rather than in the production (recommended) forum? BTW. Texture pack authors who have been trying to keep up with PowerCrystals prolific output are going to have a meltdown... :)