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Everything posted by Torezu

  1. You do realize this site has gotten popular enough recently that the 2nd page of the boards are mostly on the same day, let alone week, right?
  2. Your assumptions just had their standard effect. Jay? is...not a guy.
  3. Disable McAfee for the duration of the launcher run and first download of the mod pack(s).
  4. It's really a little of both. I'm guessing you tried to update Tekkit, and something in the config files didn't overwrite correctly. I would really delete your .techniclauncher\tekkit folder and reinstall. Make a full backup of the folder, somewhere else on your hard drive, before doing so, just in case. Among other things, your waypoints and video options configs will reset. You can copy your waypoint files over from the backup after you reinstall (tekkit\mods\rei_minimap, I believe). I also highly recommend removing Java 6 and installing 7, 32- or 64-bit depending on your system.
  5. 41 mods is normal for Tekkit. Technic will have more. Your launcher has nothing wrong with it.
  6. The files will be in C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher - if there's a logs directory in there, post launcher_0.log from inside it. Use pastebin please.
  7. If the launcher runs and you get a whitescreen error, you have a log. Go find it. Please use code tags or pastebin to post it.
  8. Ewwwww... Also, do you have an antivirus program? You left it blank.
  9. Double-check your Java version by typing "java -version" into a command prompt. It should say 64-bit. Also, I highly recommend disabling your antivirus while the launcher runs and downloads mod pack(s). Many antivirus programs assume the launcher is downloading stuff it shouldn't, for some reason.
  10. Have you seen my avatar lately?
  11. I was being mostly sarcastic. I'd still call or email them right away, though.
  12. Your answers: once a month, and very. I'd call Comcast immediately.
  13. And the site admins don't care whether you think it's cool or not. We do not promote piracy here.
  14. Then you can't use more than 1.5GB of RAM. To do that, you must install and use 64-bit Java for your launcher. Nothing says you must remove 32-bit, though - you can use both on one system, it's just...complicated.
  15. Then you're using 32-bit Java, unintentionally or otherwise. If you have 12GB of RAM on a 32-bit system, you're...wasting RAM.
  16. Go into Video Settings and adjust your render distance.
  17. That wasn't Cheap Shot the first time.
  18. I'm guessing it's 247.5, not 145. You need to drop the allocation in your launcher window (under Options) to 1GB, or 512MB, because you don't have enough free to give it whatever you're trying to. Also, update to Java 7 (and remove Java 6, and reboot). It'll help.
  19. You probably don't have a log. Right-click the .jar and click 'Open with Java' - that should be all you have to do.
  20. You can't use the Technic Launcher without a Premium copy of Minecraft. Period.
  21. You want the LP section, and maybe the recruitment thread.
  22. It is. You can't move it. I will now lock it, and you can stick a server post in one of the two available server sections, after reading the posting guidelines. Go! :)
  23. Copper Cable is actually 3 copper in the middle row and 6 rubber, spread along the top and bottom rows. You're thinking of uninsulated copper cable. And yes, though your friend may need to be taught how to spell, if that's the problem.
  24. OP: Are you 100% certain you're using 64-bit Java? This is exactly what I believe would happen if you weren't.
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