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Everything posted by cobaltwarrior19

  1. Hello all. Been awhile since I've played but I'm back now. Anyway I'm playing Big Dig on Skyblock, and I've hit a snag. I need Osmium but it seems the only way to get it is go to the nether. I've looked all over the internet for alternative means of getting it, but found nothing. I'm really hoping I'm missing something and somebody on here can help me and I won't have to go into the nether, because I always feel like I'm cheating when I go into the nether. LOL.
  2. The enter key does not work in any form or fashion in ComputerCraft. I can't execute any program at all. I'm using linux.
  3. Yes, MapWriter does show what's been generated. It shows any chunk that's been loaded in the past. I used "Run MLG Windows.cmd"
  4. If you use bookcases instead of bookshelves and have every one of them full of books, you can get well over Lv. 60. I have Lv. 69 and only half of my bookcases are full.
  5. You might also try installing Optifine. I can't guarantee it will work, but at this point, throw everything at it.
  6. So I decided to make a new world with Minecraft Land Generator, however it seems that the world has generated nothing in the way of dungeons or ruins or any other modded terrain generation. I used the Hexxit server to generate, so one would think that there should be dungeons, right?
  7. I'm assuming that's a bug?
  8. Lol, out of the question. I have a 32 Bit computer and buying a new one is beyond my financial reach.
  9. I think there's a bug. I know you shouldn't be able to, but I found that a TC pickaxe in my inventory mysteriously had Fortune I so I put it on my enchanting table and increased it to Fortune III.
  10. But I wasn't having this problem until today, and I've been playing Hexxit since it launched
  11. I'm using a 32 bit OS. And I have 3GB of usable RAM
  12. Yes, I had to look it up on the LegendGear's forum post to figure out how to craft these. It would be nice if NEI showed how in the first place.
  13. I have. It goes no higher than 1GB for me.
  14. I keep running out of memory 5-10 minutes into the game. It even does it while paused. This last time, I paused, stepped away to cook breakfast and when I came back it was crashed. Anyway I can stop this?
  15. If i were the developers of minecraft, or even a mod maker, I'd add a creature that made subtle changes to the landscape, (not like the endermen), these things would literally build things, but never while you're around. Kinda like Herobrine/Israphel.
  16. keepInventory is a gamerule that you can enable via /gamerule keepInventory true, (if I remember the command right). In vanilla when you die you keep your inventory and your xp stays at the same level it was when you died, but I've noticed that in Hexxit your xp drops to a set amount. I'm not sure what the determining factor is but, I do know that on several occasions my xp drops to an amount like 20, or 29 if my xp is above 30. I did actually gain xp this morning, where I was at Lv. 5 and then was killed by a harbinger, and when I respawned was at Lv. 20.
  17. Hey, we got Chocobos, why not? Lol
  18. Ah I meant nothing by it. I haven't looked in awhile.
  19. It was like that when Tekkit/Technic first started out. Hexxit isn't even a month old. There's a wiki and all, but nobody's contributed to it yet.
  20. Why should it matter that I brought it up? It's not like I'm running around foaming at the mouth because "ermahgawd a bug" like other people. It means almost nothing to me because I prefer the LegendGear quiver anyhow. I just thought that it should be brought to somebody's attention.
  21. A place to keep arrows that I pick up in dungeons and off of skeletons?
  22. It's LegendGear. I recognize a few of the outlines of the placements. I know the Titan Ring goes in one slot, not sure what else goes where.
  23. It's not the LegendGear quiver, but the other one. The one that doesn't tell you how many arrows are in the quiver. I didn't notice until I'd finished fighting a dungeon full of blazes and discovered that I only had a handful of arrows left.
  24. Those are storage crates from Better Storage. I'm actually back to chests because it's a pain to find something when I need it. No problem, it's a great little mod.
  25. Y'know that gives me a great idea! I keep losing levels while fighting in dungeons, and I wanted a way to create bottle o' enchanting with the levels I accumulate. There doesn't appear to be a way to do that, so do the next best thing. Enchant tools with the highest enchantments I can, then tuck them away someplace safe for when I actually need the levels.
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