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Posts posted by Vivacity

  1. It was 1 AM your time 27 minutes ago. Now We all know where you live! The pacific ocean obviously. At first I though you may be an atlantic fish, but this confirms it. Pacific

    Actually its 1:00 AM on the east coast. I would know because...I live there.

  2. I am starting a new tekkit server and wanted some greif protection plugins and plugins that limit items and permissions the players can get also any other plugin suggestions are welcome

    Essentials is all I can think off. I dont know if it covers Greifing but it does cover Items and Permissions.

  3. I need help. I recently downloaded the tekkit launcher and found that this mod wasn't working. I tried re-installing the plugins/the mod itself using the 1.4.7 version. i have re-downloaded the launcher to find the same problem, i have also reset the modpack to no avail. I really like this mod i just want to know what i can do.

    English, do you speak it.

    How is anyone supposed to help you. You haven't posted anything specific that'll help us pinpoint the issue.

  4. aah, might be either a conflict or something not set right in one of the configs then. Probably the BC config, although the one for thermal expansion might need adjusting as well. They probably just don't recognize each other right now.

    Hmm possibly. I'll note that and look into it. Thanks

  5. Well i guess that hacksaw is useless then... i don't really see any other use for covers... maybe some cosmetic stuff not involving pipes or cables... anyway thanks for the reply i hope this is not intentional, let's hope for this to work on a future update...

    About thous facades... i guess they should work with BC pipes only but i'm not sure...

    Facades are meant to be used with Buildcraft pipes, that's the only use I've found for them.

  6. I have not actually, ill try that and see what happens

    Are you talking about editing shortcuts for disabling/enabling stuff such as flight control or jet boots? That would be potasium.

    If you mean actually editing aspects of your power armor you would need the field tinker module installed on your power fist. You would shift+mousewheel to select it and right click to use.

  7. Also be aware that some mods may technically require you to obtain permission if you were to alter their files and redistribute them.

    Most Mods are open source or have a very loose license about redistribution. I wouldn't worry about it though. No one will mind you until you start racking up popularity.

  8. uhhhh thats not what the person you quouted was saying, like at all. you may want to try reading both his post and the person he is replying too again.

    I'm having a hard time understanding what I did wrong. The person I quoted was saying We want a stable build. Something the devs are confident in right?

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