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Posts posted by Vivacity

  1. I have been running ic2 on my server for several months now. I have a actually almost entirely recreated the original tekkit pack with a few modifications. No redpower yet. EE3. TreeCapitator, and Dimensional Doors. Message me if you want the modpack and/or my server IP. The server has only one plugin, creeperheal. If more ppl want to join, I may add towny or something to regulate it. If anyone knows about a dev version of redpower, let me know.


    Red power is done. There's no way it can redeem it's self. Mods have already replaced and passed red powers capabilities.

  2. Normally if someone says their running the latest version of Java my eyes continue downwards. But due to the fact that you said your operating system is Intel leads to some doubts.

    Now I need a specific Java version. In order to do this you'll have to perform a Google Search. Good luck. May all the odds be in your favor.

  3. I'm using a Razer Abyssus. Its a great mouse, fits my hand perfectly and plenty of value. I have it set to 1000 MHz and 1800 DPI, its goes up to 3200 but that's a bit too much for me.

    If you have the money I'm pretty sure the Cyborg series is the best out there. They look more like transformers but I've tried them, great grip and extremely precise.

    Of course it depends on how your gripping style is and how sensitive you want your mouse to be. Here check this out:


    You don't have to get Razer but they provide a great display of information.

  4. thanks to all who saw this post and/or wanted or still wants to join this server. we are no longer taking requests, we also do not play hexxit anymore due to our feelings about hexxit. we have moved onto bigger and better things. Thank You and goodbye

    You just bought tears to 20 peoples eyes.

  5. Why would minecraft ever use 20 gigs. 4096x Texture Pack?

    Open up My Computer, Right click a blank spot and hit properties, then scroll down and look for either 64 Bit or 32.

    If its 64 you'll need to download Java for 64, if its 32 theres nothing you can do. Unless of course your CPU supports 64 but but your os is 32.

  6. ok off topic but relevant to previous conversations, that is the third avatar I have seen you have in 3 days, seriously who does that, and with that I bid you good day. I do not converse with lesser animals and you shall not see me do so from this day forward.

    Dude you can't handle my pony swagg.

  7. Launcher Version: Newest

    Operating System: Macbook Air

    Java Version: Newest

    Antivirus Program:

    Description of Problem:

    After I open the launcher and click launch on the mod pack, two screens come up. One that says Hello at the top and then one for the mod pack. The one that says Hello stays at 0% the whole time but the script changes as it should, the last one being "Minecraft validated, launching". That screen goes away and just leaves the white mod pack screen which disappears in a few seconds.

    Error Messages:

    Error Log:


    Well I hate to be the one to break it to you but Technic Launcher doesn't support your operating system.

  8. aw. okay. because in that slot, there is "Realtime Search "

    Do you know of a mod that allows the looking at block id thing? Because, lol i don't know if i'm looking at silver or tin. lol

    Nope don't know any. Maybe you should try manually updating NEI. Perhaps they've added to a newer version then what's in Tekkit.

  9. Nope. Pulverising provides higher tier byproducts for common ores (iron - ferrous, copper - gold). Rare ore produce each other: silver - lead. Ferrous produce shiny metal. The only ore producing nothing else if pulverised is gold, but sacrificing other ores for that (mind copper - gold pulverising) isn't worth it. And it makes distribution system more complex.

    Ferrous and Shiny Metal are the only ores worth pulverizing for. Everything else i find easily, at least on my world.

  10. Thanks guys for all your help. Without you I would have never become the person I am today.

    Add the following lines to your Basic Components.cfg:

    # ore_generation
    ore_generation {
        B:"Generate oreCopper"=false
        B:"Generate oreTin"=false
    Add the following lines to your electricexpansion.cfg:
    # ore_generation
    ore_generation {
        B:"Generate Silver Ore"=false

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