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Posts posted by Vivacity

  1. That is true, but the video I linked earlier shows that we have the technology these days to skip the huge version. It's not perfect, but it works and just needs refinement.

    I see the end goal as modifications made directly to the human body in order to enhance running speed, strength, etc. I think we should start this process by wiping out stupid people from the gene pool.

    Step 1- Remove warning labels from everyday products.

    Step 2- Allow natural selection to occur

    End Game=Crysis Suits with an infinite battery.

  2. operating system: MAC OS X

    Java: up to date,just updated it

    tecnic verison: one linked on the site for download

    Crash report: check console for possible errrors

    In your Technic/modpack folder there will be a file called forgemodloader-client-0.log

    Copy and paste that here.

  3. You obviously aren't qualified because Apple Java 6 is a thing. It comes preinstalled on all old OS X software. You really need to stop embarrassing yourself. You can find it on the oracle website.

    No I have not heard of MLP and I dont think I would enjoy ponies with horns.

    I am done arguing with you. You can't seem to admit that you were wrong. You can take that pony's horn and shove it. Please refrain from addressing Mac issues unless you do additional research or familiarize yourself with the materials. Windows, Linux and OS X are very different, and so are the problems that the three systems face.

    As for Andrew's problem, Go to settings when you pull up the launcher, and check the box labeled "PermGen Size". You will then be prompted to restart the launcher. Press "Ok" and the launcher will restart.

    That seemed to fix the problem for me.

    Your encouraging users to download re-branded apple software in which support has been dropped roughly 2 years ago? I can see that Apple is pushing users to download Java 7 from Oracle. Not to mention that the Technic Platform explicitly says so on their site as well.

    If you've not heard of MLP, maybe you shouldn't make assumptions on my avatar. Try meeting the qualifications first before claiming I'm a unicorn.

    Windows, Mac, and Linux are very different. But Java run through a Virtual Machine meaning the actual software will be the exact same across all three platforms. Maybe you should make sure you qualify first before making absurd claims about how java on Mac is different.

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