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Posts posted by Vivacity

  1. Delete Technic Folder

    Relaunch, hit the gearbox in the top right.

    Select Use Beta Builds, Increase Ram to 2 Gb, Check Increase PermGen Size.

    The it'll prompt you to restart the launcher. After it relaunches wait for all the packs to finish loading. Then launch Hexxit

  2. I think he's talking about the long list of mods it says are missing during loading.


    Twilight Forest Is Missing

    Industrial Craft Is Missing

    Greg Tech is Missing


    It's normal. Don't worry about it.

  3. cause i've never had problems before hexxit, blizzard sent me an email 1 day after my hexxit download..

    Okay your on to us. I might as well tell you the truth. The entire Technic Platform is funded by Scientology of America. The Conspiracy Theorist were right. We're collecting information on general behavior and activities of US Citizens. Your computer being monitored 24/7

    CODE:1337 L33T

    I guess one of the employees got bored so he sprung up at a chance to play Diablo 3.

  4. You could program something like Mario... They already come with snake. As for 3D, I think computercraft would crash. Also I dont think you could have textures. And to code a game with in a game would be kind of stupid.... It would be cool, but if you could/know how to wright a game, why not make one and sell it...

    Because writing a game requires years of hardwork and funding.

  5. I think I made it pretty clear this was my method of ignoring an ignorant child. It isn't my job to educate you, and when you make it clear you are unable to comprehend even basic principles, you make it so others don't want to even try.

    If you are so gung-ho about getting in the last word, perhaps maybe you should first be correct about your arguments.

    You do realize space contains everything in existence?

    You claim your done arguing yet you keep returning. Each time your case crumbles a bit more. And Once again your link backfires. The first result agrees with me, the other 2 argue that the human Ear can not hear sound. That is not up for debate and it's not what you claiming.

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