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Posts posted by Vivacity

  1. i looked at NEI after i saw your response, but there is nothing called refined uranium and the uranium items that are listed have no recipe. this is soooo confusing. most of the info on how to do stuff is missing specially the mystcraft one. it took me ages (lol) to find how to make the new linking books (unlinked Books).

    You have to go into your Atomic Science config and enable Uranium Generation.

  2. I have about 7-12 fps before this monster update It was at least 70fps. I have a AMD Radeon HD 7730M for a graphics card. I have looked all around my AMD properties and I have no clue how to fix it. I tried going to my computer and disabling my Inter HD 4k graphics card but that was a mistake it didn't work. I have a 64 bit WIndows 7.

    So why would you bump a 3 month old thread?

  3. Well after reading all this my head blew up. And So...who wants cake?

    At the very least I mean a suit thats small and wearable and not the size of a pacific rim mech lol.

    I go for battle tech battle suits

    Computers took up an entire room. Now they fit in your pocket.

    In order to reach the end goal of a small suit you'll need to start somewhere

  4. As for solutions to the OP's problem, I have none. I am currently experiencing this bug myself and I am browsing the forums for any and all suggestions. The problem is not, I will repeat it for you, IS NOT Java related.

    You prefer arguing about how qualified I am to help people?

    Ps. If the "pony" has a horn its a unicorn, so you are even mistaken about your own avatar. Its time for you to lick your wounds and go home.

    You've obviously never heard of MLP.

    First of all, "Drops Phone, Grabs Keyboard" should also be between asterisks. Secondly, why don't you scroll down the forum and read one of the hundreds of threads where mac users complain that Java 7 is not compatible with the launcher and detailed responses explaining how to reinstall Apple Java 6. Lastly, solving bugs as a programmer or even just suggesting solutions is ALL about putting two and two together. Identifying common symptoms and simple solutions requires a little guesswork at times and if you aren't willing to do that you shouldn't be here in the first place.

    You just said Apple Java 6. Your entire argument has been made invalid.

  5. *Cracks Knuckles*

    Drops phone. Grabs Keyboard

    Apparently you are illiterate. I stated above that Java 6 is the RECOMMENDED version of Java for Mac users. Its is true that there are newer versions, however, the Technic Launcher is not compatible with Java 7 on the Mac. People who have already installed Java 7 have had to downgrade. So once again, I ask you to refrain from giving advice to users whose predicaments you are not familiar with.

    Explain to me why are you posting in the first place? What have you offered to help either of these gentlemen? I'm completely unfamiliar with the Mac OS yet I've made more of an effort then you have. All you've managed to do is insult a pony. If I'm not mistaken it does say

    If you do not already have Java installed please make sure to go download the latest version from Oracle. You can get the Java JRE by clicking here.

    And you do realize that Technicpack is the same thing over all the platforms? I can literally go ahead and download the 'Mac Jar' and launch it through my Windows 8 PC.

    As for his "operating system" I think we can all put 2 and 2 together and assume that he is using the preinstalled OS on his piece of hardware. He obviously made a mistake, there is no reason to badger him about it, and if you recognize that it is not an operating system, why would you address it as such?

    Its not about putting two and two together. Its about performing simple research to figure out what an Operating System is. If the Op is not competent enough to type 'Define Operating System' into Google how do i know hes capable of following simple instructions?

  6. Vivacity you must not have a mac... Please don't post here if you don't know that Java 1.6 is Apple Java 6 and recommended for Mac users playing Tekkit...

    There is an OSx version of the launcher so I don't understand why you would say that his OS is "Not supported".

    Please don't post here? Really? I told him to get Java 7 Update 25 if what your saying is true, that he has Java 6, then my post still applies to him. Me not owning a Mac won't affect trouble shooting in anyway.

    And last time I checked Macbook Air is not an Operating System but a laptop lineup nor is it supported by technic Launcher.

  7. Well agreed, 32gb is most I've seen shipped from a vendor. I did a quick search on Newegg.com and found they now have MoBo's that will go to 128GB of RAM! Talk about running some VM's on that computer.

    I would dedicate 24 GB to the computer and create an Ultra fast ram disk with the rest.

  8. Desktops with a 64-bit OS now days can easily have 64gb of RAM. The comment I made was in regards to his Compaq Laptop having 20ish GB of RAM.

    I doubt there are any desktops out there pre-shipped with 64 Gb. It's the Maximum that the Mobo supports. The actual OS can handle a lot more if im not mistaken.

  9. Google fiber going to provo is the only reason I'd ever even consider moving to mormon country. Oh to have real internet, not stuff 10 years behind the rest of the US.

    Too bad I live in the east oast

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