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Posts posted by Vivacity

  1. Well, I do know that was early on in the comic. That being said, I haven't read any of it for the past few years.

    Anyways, RAM may be an issue depending on how much you have leftover after the motherboard, CPU, power supply, DVD-R drive, and video card. (Not discounting the case, but bare minimum you can always use a discarded case. Not hard to find if you ask around.) My preference are Corsair brand, DDR3 at the least. You could possibly get by with just one 4GB stick, but the more the better.

    Perhaps he'd be better off getting an AMD Cpu. They tend to beat out Intel in the 100-150 price range. I doubt it'll be possible to squeeze in all the other components without cheaping out.

  2. Naturally quite a few mods come with that clause. However, the part I bolded and italicized indicates that had the Modpack creators wanted to use it in a modpack they could so long as they received written permission to do so. Many mods require permission before just placing them into a pack to distribute. I was just stating why Modpack creators would not want to seek that permission. Unless you intended to quote the post above me?

    You think they hand out permission? Unless your a big name pack creator they ignore you or simply reject your request.

  3. I have a monitor, mouse, and keyboard I could use. Nothing else.

    This is purely hypothetical, I'm not planning (more hoping. :P) on a new machine in the near future.

    Okay I'll work on the other components when I get home.

    Maybe some other members can bring out their own list of parts and we can tweak a bit here and there to hook you up with a nice computer.

  4. Ok. ^_^

    So, what is the best computer you would get (completely from scratch) for about USD 500?

    So a 7770 and i5 3570K would bring you to about 300 bucks. That leaves you 200 to spend on other components.

    Do you have a monitor, mouse/keyboard, hard drive, etc?

  5. That would be nice. But unfortunately OptiFine doesn't always play nice with other mods to my understanding. So it is understandable and I totally agree with it as to why they wouldn't. For example those bugs listed above where the Armor Status icons disappear, or the Smeltery's lava render error. I experienced these as well and it is unfortunate but it is what it is.

    The mod OptiFine is Copyright © 2013 by sp614x and the intellectual property of the author. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered, unedited form. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this mod on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited and a violation of copyrigh

  6. just noticed this in the log file posted:

    it's got two -Xmx arguments being passed in and the lower one is winning. try the manual memory thing, it may work if this is the problem.

    You do see his minecraft using 1 Gb right?

    Or am I missing something.

  7. i know how to make a modpack BUT i have been told by many modpackers that you have to get specific permission from the author of the mod to make a pack with it.

    75 percent of mod creators just want you to link them or mention their name. 15 percent will give you permissions if you ask. The rest are douchebags who's mods don't deserve to be in a modpack. *Cough*Forestry*Cough*

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