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Posts posted by Vivacity

  1. Thanks. I actually did manage to find a crash data thingy on the server client, it was just hidden in the mumbo-jumbo of 3 people mining and getting xp. It loads my IP, has a fatal error, makes reference to a lot of Tinker's Construct files, then disconnects me. The new server works just fine, Thanks :)

    Edit: I have a log of just me trying to connect, with the following errors. However, it is rather long and I don't know how to shorten it up to a reasonable length.

    You could post it to pastebin

  2. Fuck off asshole, go back to school.

    My entire point was that in the vacuum of space, there is no sound. Argue that.

    You want me to argue this? I will.

    Sound can travel through space because space is not a complete Vacuum. Unlike what you believe, space does contain matter capable of acting as a medium. Although not as effective as the atmosphere on Earth sound it still able to vibrate through molecules and travel.

  3. Fuck off asshole, go back to school.

    And as for you, 'air' in the sense that human beings breathe it, sound travels through it. Not as is in 'contains the same elements that make up the atmosphere on Earth, but spread so thin to have no similarity to what any normal person would consider air'. By your reason, human beings are made of air also, as they contain all the same materials that exist in our atmosphere.


    My entire point was that in the vacuum of space, there is no sound. Argue that.

    Since your the type of guy who likes getting literal:

    Outer space' date=' or simply space, is the void that exists between celestial bodies, including the Earth.[1'] It is not completely empty...

    Outer Space includes earth. Which contains your definition of air. Therefore, according to the Wikipedia article which you linked, your argument is invalid.

    Now we'll ignore that detail and your still overlooking the Billions of planets out there with their own atmosphere capable of transporting sound. Any one of these planets could also potentially contain a similar atomic makeup of earth's atmosphere.

  4. I am running and playing the server off of my laptop. The server client does not give me any notices, it just says that it disconnected me every time I log in.

    Try making a new folder and putting the following files from the old server in it:








    And your map file. Named either world or after your server.

    I'll give u a clean slate.

  5. "You have won the lottery. Please jump into this mincing machine to receive your payment".

    Once this is done, we can use all the resources they wasted on making Crysis suits.

    Then, unfortunately, we'll probably have nothing to use them on, but oh well.

    The few hundred humans remaining can repopulate the earth.

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