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Posts posted by Vivacity

  1. Oh I though he accidently posted a reply for a camera forum here.

    Well I don't use my PC for photography but I do use it for Image editing and 3D rendering on C4D/Photoshop, that's when you'll experience the true power of an 8 threaded Xeon.

    When it comes to video editing it's ridiculously fast as After Effects can take advantage of my GTx 780. I'm fairly certain mac has an advantage in photography like you mentioned but it's not something I've ever considered using a PC for but it's an interest I may pursue in the future.

  2. You could use camouflage. If you place camouflage down and right click it with a block it will disguise itself as that block.

    If you right click camo with a wrench it will turn into one way glass while keeping the disguise.

    If you shift right click it will allow missles through while maintaining one way glass and the disguise.

  3. FTB is completely different now when compared the Technic. I like to consider the new Tekkit the next generation of mods. While FTB is stil clinging on to the last remaining threads of IC2

    FTB has no future in its current state. It's still a good pack though but playing feed the beast will be viewed the same as playing Tekkit Classic in no time. It's more of a novelty.

  4. Well what has to change so it's possible?

    I know that all the core files get checked before it launches like sound, textures, etc. And Forge requires an installer because the average user is not capable of following along. They completely changes the entire file structure.

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