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Posts posted by Vivacity

  1. Why not? Instead of 2 ingots, you get 3. Just save some of the rarer ores for when you have some rich slag.

    Well you get 1 ingot per ore you put in an induction smelter right?

    It's cool, human or dog, he's still an ass.

    This is a human:


    This is a dog:


    This is an ass:


  2. actually with pulverizers having a chance at an extra dust and rich slag giving 3:1 i would say TE allows you to triple your ore as well, for a hell of a lot less effort than factorization.

    Rich Slag requires you to put raw ore into an induction smelter. Not worth it.

  3. Hello Dorky

    This seems to be the error to me

    jinput.jar is a file of minecraft itself. You can try to rename or delete the folder .tekkit in %appdata% and retry to add your modpack into the launcher.

    The launcher should download Minecraft itself though.

  4. Actually I'm not sure where it says it but they did officially say that the new tekkit is the only tekkit pack that will continue to be updated the other packs ie tekkit classic and lite will never see another update. Period end of discussion the only reason they are still even available is to appease dum ass's like the op of this thread who for what ever dum ass fucking reason can let go of dead mods and move forward imo these are the same dum ass's that despite a big ass rock pulling them under the water to there death won't let go of said rock to survive things fucking change that's life get on with it for fuck sakes


    You forgot how to English.

  5. Minecraft.jar is just Vanilla MC, Modpack.jar contains Forge.

    In order to play on your world you'll need to somehow get the contents of mods, coremods, and config transferred over to Magic Launcher.

    There are no other directorys containing mods or related files. Some mods may show up as multiple times on the mod list. Just with different aspects.

  6. alright. i shall try. thanks

    Edit: soo i can find the 1.1.5 server download but not the launcher....maybe i've just been up way too long. i shall try again in the morrning.

    Hit the gearbox under tekkitspace and choose download the latest release.

  7. Did you really write Netgear Gateway as your OS....




    It's probably down temporarily for maintanence or something. Try dowloading the latest version 1.1.5. It could possibly use a different version of power crystals which is still up.

  8. How do I retrieve the "Specs"? Also, How would I allocate more RAM to Hexxit? I thought I could only allocate more memory to the launcher as a whole.

    Forget the specs. How much ram have you allocated to the 'launcher as a whole'.

  9. I was playing Hexxit survival, when suddenly the program stops responding and windows starts searching for a solution. I waited a while, until eventually my computer started slowing down immensely and I had to open Task Manager and close the darn thing. It has happened multiple times since, mostly at unfavorable times. The last time it happened, when I was frolicking around a Walker castle I had just conquered, the screen the game froze on appeared to be a wood-ish texture in 3D spiky crystal form. My laptop has a history of graphics crashes every now and then, and on one occasion it went into a graphical death spiral and bluescreened. Why are these crashes occurring, and what can I do about them?


    Try allocating more Ram to Hexxit as well.

  10. I had the exact same problem and after seeing this I did some more research outside of the forum and found out that an easy fix is to click the cog wheel at the top right of the screen and allocate 2GB of memory and click the box to allow perm gem size, make sure you save, then it will ask you to relaunch the technic launcher, say yes, wait a few moments then open the pack. an additional note, I only made an account to help you, I hope you feel the appreciation.

    Yeh I would try this first. Do you have optifine installed? Otherwise I see nothing that could cause this.

  11. Okay, So bascially, when you are looking at a block, a box should pop up, telling you what that blocks name is. Like if you are looking at coal, it would say Coal. etc. But this is not working, even when i have the SHOW ITEM IDS to "Show".. Can anyone help? Let me know if you need more information! Thanks!

    Hit options on NEI and turn on Highlight Tips.

  12. well durrrhuuurrrr, but to truly just "mix them" some of those mods may not have all the features they have in 1.5.2 therefore it would not be a lossless conversion, sure he could make a custom modpack, and edit a ton of configs and get everything working happily and it still wouldn't be just a mix of tekkit and tekkitlite, but then again if he could do these things and knew how he likely wouldn't need to ask here, and I wouldn't have needed to type this. w/e you can try. Also I would point out besides IC2 crap and pneumatics what exactly would he be missing out on by just moving to tekkit? what is there to do in lite that isn't in tekkit?

    He's not asking to literally mix them. He just says they Love tekkit lite but they want to make rockets and go to the moon.

    Your better off getting Tekkit Space and grabbing a copy of the IC2 beta.

  13. probably not, Tekkit as it stands now is pretty well balanced, with a few more mods added in the forseeable future and the ones we have update to where they have planned the pack is more than filled.

    He's not asking for Tekkit Space to disapear. He's saying if the lineup of mods for Tekkit Lite got updated would the Technic Team take the time to update the pack. The chances of this are slim but if they did get updated I see no reason why not. Just because a new Tekkit is out doesn't mean you drop support for the old one. It's still rather popular.

  14. You forgot the part about putting live snails on your head before the intonation. (Slugs can be substituted, but remember to sacrifice at least five diamond blocks that you made in Survival, they'll know if you cheated them in.)

    Of course, this goes without saying. How would the Mighty Mojang react to such a selfish plea. An offering must be made in exchange for the vast knowledge required to perform this impassable task.

  15. Let me straight out ask the obvious.

    Are you aware that its a drop down menu?

    Now let's move on.

    Is more then 1 GB actually free? I don't know if that is a factor on deciding how much ram to allow for use.

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