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Everything posted by nanotekkit

  1. check the crash reports section in your minecraft folder. most likely there is a corrupted item or something along those lines.
  2. thankyou for your "advice" but it is not needed.
  3. Unfortunately I (p928 (owner)) didn’t see this post sooner. Almost every player that says this server is horrible has been jailed or banned. That is why it is assumed they did something wrong..... We on nanotekkit.us are very strict about ALL of our rules. We don’t have time for grievers, dupers, and other players that don’t follow our rules. There for we have a lot of ppl say that the server is horrible or awful, or hate the owner or hate the staff because THEY did something wrong.... on a server that we let them play on. Key word LET, and we DONT let them if they break our rules!
  4. If you all are having issues with your server please post it on my problems and solutions page. Not on my server advertise page! This takes up a BUNCH of unnecessary space. Also use pastebins and not paste the whole error taking up PAGES of space!
  5. I have not had an issue until probably the minute u posted that. But the issues was not with TE it was with statues, looks like you can place and or make statues and grief a house that way. To fix the TE items and any other items that seem to be accessible go into the greifprevention config folder, then the world config folder and edit the world.yml or your (Whatever u named ur world).yml. Scroll to the very bottom and you will see: Mods: BlockIdsRequiringAccessTrust: [] BlockIdsRequiringContainerTrust: [] PlayersIgnoringAllClaims: [] You are going to have to add the item numbers of the items you want to require players to be trusted to access So under: BlockIdsRequiringAccessTrust: [] Add any type of pressure plates, doors, buttons, anything along those lines (there are a lot more in this pack than the default) I also as a safe measure add chests, machines, pretty much anything I think needs trust of any type. Then under: BlockIdsRequiringContainerTrust: [] You are going to add all the machines, chests, anything that they can access and place items or remove them, again I do it in access trust just to be safe because you don’t know what minecraft thinks ur doing with some of these items. I would post a list of what I have in mine but it is incomplete at this time. And I don’t know if I will ever finish it. Also don’t want players to see a “ o this isn’t on the list, I’m going to exploit that” ……..
  6. nope my server still has the issue and I just ahve to live with it. I have a couple posts and have not found a single person with a fix
  7. I’m sorry, but even vanilla will run 60 players on 4GB of ram, and the BASELINE ram for BTEAM is 1GB so that leaves 3 GB for all "60" players so that leaves 51MB PER person.... so as far as what you say about ram being an issue I can’t say I can agree based on cold hard FACTS.
  8. Ok yes you are having the same issue with my server, it seems to be due to one of the mods, not sure what it is or what is causing it. but my server has the same problem, will lag for anywhere form 5 -30 seconds and then lag everyone out sometimes.
  9. i do know that is not the issue, i had mobs and animals and what not to a server limit of 15 animals and 15 mobs. with 20 ppl i wasand still am getting the jump in SSD's
  10. can you give me a little more detail? are you getting the lag after a short time of single player? what are your system specs? processor? ram? freeze with a white screen?
  11. Hello, I have a server running the newest B-Team (1.0.7a) and I have had an issue since B-Team first came out. I am having lag spikes randomly, not associated to whether there are 10 people on or 30 people on my server. I have noticed that the internet drops too little usage during the spike and the disk usage spikes up greatly. I do know that it is not a hardware issue, have the same issue on two different servers. What happens when spike: console commands lag Chat lags Blocks lag Internet usage drops to idle usage Disk writing goes to max Sometimes all players will be kicked Sometimes has a tick error Testing done: Removed all plugins Changed version of mcpc Changed maxpermgen Different servers Map reset Server info: BTeam.Nanotekkit.us Bteam 1.0.7a MCPC versions 232 through 235 16GB RAM dedicated 256GB SSD dedicated I7 processor Windows based OS If anyone has any ideas on fixing this PLEASE let me know!
  12. yes that is exactly what I mean....I had to do so to make the server runable, i wish i didnt have to but the players that like the server stay, and if not you always get more.
  13. I am having the same issue on my server, I also know that hardware shouldnt be the issue. I have noticed on my SSD drives while the cpu is maxed the Internet also jumps A LOT and the SSD are also SPIKED
  14. Yes the reason your crashing is fixed by a map reset, I have been running 234 for a while now and no crashes. I did have crashes at first, did a map reset and now have no problems.
  15. Hello, I can try to help. I am currently running an Attack of the B-Team server(1.0.6) using mcpc(232). First you need to downlaod the newest version of mcpc(http://ci.md-5.net/job/MCPC-Plus/) and coppy it to the location of the BTEAM.jar or the minecraft server folder. Then what you need to do is edit the "launch.bat". inside the "launch.bat" there will be something like: " java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar BTeam.jar nogui pause " You are going to have to change it to what ever the .jar file you downloaded was. AKA the MCPC one so something like this: " java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar mcpc-plus-1.6.4-R2.1-forge965-B232.jar nogui pause " Remember you are also going to have to change your max and min on the ram. Attack is a memmory HOG. I am currently using version 232 of mcpc and have minions removed and seems to be workign well, you can check out my issue and fix log here: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> Server ip: Bteam.nanotekkit.us
  16. add me on skype (p928s1984) so I can shoot some ideas, easier and quicker replys, make sure to put ur user in the request so I dont deny it lol (oops logged into wrong account) this is p928**
  17. try updating to the newest version of the server it fixed all my galacticraft issues, will look through ur logs later today. oyu may have to do what i did and if your updated (1.0.6) and still getting the crashes you may have to delet the region files that its erroring in. When i had the problem server would run fine unless the player in that chunk would login. (oops logged into wrong account) this is p928**
  18. We were updating versions, its up now
  19. We have figured out a way to get plugins working and now have them up and running, most notably Grief prevention, Essentials, and Anti swear.
  20. Attack of the B-Team 1.0.12a Server IP: bteam.nanotekkit.us Server Rules: Be Polite Don't grief or raid Have fun! No PVP Server Plugins: Grief Prevention, Essentials, Anti Swear, other minor ones Server Description: This looks like a cool modpack, so we deiced to make another server for this pack. Unfortunately, the pack uses a lot of beta versions of mods so we had to remove minions, if it gets an update we'll put it back in. This also leads to occasional crashes and lag spikes that are out of our control. Up time: It should be 24/7 with short down times whenever we need to update something or do a backup. Community: A mix of people from our tekkit server and those who have found the server through this forum. Everyone is generally helpful. Rude people will not be tolerated and are muted or banned. Whitelist: None, anyone can join. If it says its whitelisted, it means we're fixing an error, check back in a few minutes to an hour and it should be back to normal. Donations: We do accept donations, we also do give donor perks. All of which are available via regular game play. Just as a donor you get them quicker. check it out at nanotekkit.us
  21. Server IP: nanotekkit.us Server webiste: www.nanotekkit.us Server Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCuql6Mni7Dv60mWIhbHhlg Spawn photos: http://imgur.com/a/3S22c http://imgur.com/a/JP2aN Server rules: These are the most important rules, the full list will be seen in spawn or at /warp rules No griefing or raiding! Do not steal, dupe, or hack Don't do anything that would lag the server Don't use offensive language Don't beg for items or ranks Please claim your land (we use grief prevention) Be polite and use common sense Server mods: We are using the default Tekkit Classic mods Server plugins: The main plugins are Grief prevention and Essentials, but there are a lot of little ones Banned items: Almost all of the banned items are on the list because they allow bypassing of one of the rules (like greifing or pvp) or they cause lag. I know the list looks long, but most of the items are banned on most servers you'll find: Red morning star/katar, Hammers, World and Dimension anchors, Computers, Turtles, Amulets, All rings EXCEPT Swiftwolf's, watch of flowing time, mercurial eye, Frame motors, Buildcraft pipes (they corrupt the map), Teleporters, Tesla Coils, Nukes, REther, desctruction Catalyst, hyperkinetic Lens, tank cart, Wireless redstone, abyss helmet, infernal armor, animal feeds, forcefields, tunnel bores, mining lasers, alarms, ender pouches, ender chests Description: After playing on a few other survival tekkit servers we got annoyed by the frequent map resets and servers that went offline after a month or two. This server has been running since January and we plan on keeping it up for the foreseeable future. The reason for the seemingly large banned item list is to make the game better for everyone, otherwise someone could join and just use an item that bypasses pvp to kill you, or bypasses grief prevention to take all your stuff. We do have one arena set up for pvp, you have a seperate inventory for the arena than survival and you don't lose your items when you die (just like everywhere else in the server). Up time: We try to keep the server up 24/7 but things happen. The exceptions are: It restarts once a day (no long downtime, just saves/shuts down then comes right back up); It might be down for a few hours when we do full server backups, but this shouldn't need to happen very often. Who should join: Everyone who wants to play survival without raiding/griefing/pvp getting in the way. We usually have between 3 and 20 people online with a very large world, so if you don't want to see anyone you don't have to, or you can join with a large group. If you have any questions join and ask or send an email to [email protected] Spawn images (a few of the many from the imgur links at top) First spawn room Tram stop for Sector C Plasma cells having a few issues
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