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Everything posted by luckdemon

  1. Sup leon. Haven't heard from you in a while, just checking if you're still alive and everything.

    1. joxer


      dead, so totally dead...

  2. If you have used a reload command recently, dont. Reload commands will break your crafting of modded items. Only use reboots. Restarting the server will fix your problem, and as perpetualgamer said, Tekkit will no longer include any plugins, go download them for yourself.
  3. Ah, my apologies sir, I happened to read that wrong. (eh, it happens around 2 am...) I've heard of that problem, but cannot reproduce it on my server, as I have tried. Best of luck to you. Also Jeremy, might wanna read the rules of the forums before a global mod stomps on ur fingers for signing your post. They dont quite like that around here.
  4. I guess I play this game far too much, I get a flower before the end of the day. And that is without abusing the sugar cane glitch, redmatter furnace glitch, or using any small exploits like the blaze rods or netherrack-nether brick crafting etc etc etc... An mk3 flower is not too much. If im working with friends, it speeds up the beginning of the process of smp'ing and kicks into high gear much faster. With a friend or two, i can have 3 full mk3 flowers at the end of a day, and from there it just grows.
  5. Yuri, what he appears to be trying to say is that even though someone may be in creative mode, or have permissions for /item or /give they cannot spawn themselves items using the NEI interface. I've also had that problem, but this is not the place for this. It belongs in the tekkit bug board along with the other 20+ threads stating the same thing.
  6. But from the standpoint of a server owner who wants to have some cool looking lamps mounted on jacketed wire posts to look like actual street lamps without all the extra hassle of running cable and redpower to them? its quite a nice and compact solution.
  7. On my server, at one time i had 3 people sucking lava from the nether, it was only a 5 block deep pool of lava, but it was hundreds of blocks wide, and they drained it all.
  8. Go look at the dev builds, or look at the technic homepage. Pretty sure those are in Tekkit 3 which will be promoted to a rec. build when its ready.
  9. Takeru, before you asked that question, did you think to look in the dev builds of tekkit or technic? Or just possibly read any of the posts here in the forums about Tekkit 3 ? Then maybe if you read those posts you would have gone to the home page of technicpack. And while you were there, you might have a slight chance of seeing a little post that says Tekkit 3 is now in the launcher as a beta version with the mod that you are asking about. Just a helpful hint, look around before asking really stupid questions.
  10. Alrighty, thanks anyways. A little out of topic, but i've seen threads about mo' creatures and other mods, is there a list of what mods are going to be in the next version of tekkit somewhere? If not, that's ok.
  11. Excuse me, Jay?, you mention not wanting feedback from the general public and honestly I understand that, so what can we do to not be part of the general public and actually help with the pack/development?
  12. I understand the whole "don't ask for ETA's" but a simple suggestion: What if the people working on it, would give small updates as to the progress.. maybe as simple as... "We added Buildcraft and everything went to shit. time to start over." or "75% of the mods are working nicely, its just the important ones that are breaking" any little update here or there would slow or stop people from asking ETA's. Just a thought.
  13. The Bronze wrench only works for some objects, for higher leveled machines, use an electric wrench, and have lossless mode enabled by holding M and right clicking i believe. It uses a lot of power, so if you plan on removing an MFSU or other storage device, make sure you have one charged to keep the wrench powered. Another good thing to do, look at the wikis before trying anything stupid.
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