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Everything posted by ApacheChief

  1. I wouldn't suggest an alienware computer like... ever. Build your own computer! It's easy, fun, and is way cheaper than buying a prebuilt one. Also, use optifine ultimate D5 build. That one works for me. (1.3.13)
  2. Combustion engines need to cool down before starting operation again, unfortunately!
  3. I can do anything I want to it as long as I don't distribute it as my own work.
  4. You're stuck inside a block or something unfortunately. Ask a mod to move your position.
  5. Well I'd love to retexture it but I have no idea how. Advise?
  6. Dude, You have to power the liquiduct with redstone. Use a lever or something. Water pipes extract water (and water only) that's one block away from them at a 1 bucket/second rate. No power required.
  7. I'm not sure if it would be better with it as it doesn't really add much value to the gameplay at all.
  8. Word, thanks. Then perfect, it deserves to be shunned and cast into the shadows. Didn't know he was such a whiner.
  9. I feel like there should be a way to turn off the animations for mekanism items. If you know how, lemme know.
  10. Does anyone else think Greg Tech should be added? I mean there's a ton of content and seems appropriate to add to big dig. Not sure if big dig used to have it r anything. but it seems like a great choice for this kind of modpack
  11. If you want mo creatures, put it in yourself
  12. Go to startup and type %appdata% then hit enter. You should be able to see it now.
  13. -Assembly tables placed next to thermal expansion machine crashes the server/internal server when finished it's product (I can reproduce if you want a crash report, probably just easier to do it yourself...) -If logged out in a mystcraft age, the player gets another starting inventory (Leather armor and the like) when logging back in. -Adding more than one chocolate frame to an alveary bricks a world until the offending frame housings are removed via mcedit. -Minechem's fusion reactor is way buggy in that the inventories don't work well at all. I end up pulling my power suit off when I'm trying to pick up some beryllium... What gives? -I get "Already tessellating!" errors when I try and break an ME cable near Lux Capacitors (http://pastebin.com/z9xaZbXs) That's all I got so far...
  14. Similar to the 1.3.9 bug hunting thread, this is for the latest build. So far I've got 3: -Assembly tables placed next to thermal expansion machine crashes the server/internal server when finished it's product -If logged out in a mystcraft age, the player gets a starting inventory again when logging back in. -Adding more than one chocolate frame to an alveary bricks a world until the offending frame housings are removed via mcedit Help me build this list, friends. I trust CanVox will use the list to improve the next build.
  15. Update: When universal cable is actually carrying power the green animations cause heavy fps drops for many users. Got any advice stone? (Might be a necro, but it's not worth starting a new thread)
  16. I'm currently using the RECon segments as a kind of temporary quick fix until I can switch every over to mekanism. My frame rate is going up so I'm just excited to stop using RECon.
  17. So, really, the better alternative for pumping power long distances is not RECon but Uni cables? (Assuming I'm using UEC's) I ask this because there is no documented loss, and they cause less graphical distress than RECon. Expense is not an issue. Another thing after testing. It is exactly 5% loss per stretch of RECon. Using one full energy cell and running multiple tests I found that for each run of RECon (let's call it n) the function of energy is a simple exponential function of: f(n) = [starting energy] * 0.95^n. I like math don't judge me. After running 60000MJ from a full REC, I received just under 46500 back. It seemed right to me so I ran a few more "n"s and it all worked out mathematically. I do notice a large amount of FPS droppage and stress when coming into populated and technically advanced areas (Areas using RECons) Perhaps I'll encourage a switch over to UEC's and Uni cable to prevent lag. Also any way to break the suckers faster?
  18. Hey all, What's the upside to using universal cable from mekanism over redstone energy conduits. REC's have a 5% loss per run, does universal cable have anything like that?
  19. Stone Rhino, this is because the sides of an REC act as both an input and an output. Redstone conduit uses a system to prevent it from losing all it's power like that but universal energy cable doesn't and continuously pull and push power into/out of the REC, losing power each time.
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