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Everything posted by Random003

  1. The server is back online. The new IP address is Downtime was longer than I expected. Sorry about that.
  2. I still need to investigate the mechanics of Qcraft inter-server portals before they are enabled. I cannot allow players to bring their inventory from another server to this server. Unfortunately the server will be offline until tomorrow. When the server comes back online tomorrow it will have a new IP address. A side effect of the IP change will be the loss of all your saved waypoints with Rei's Minimap. To recover your waypoints you will need to navigate to the directory outlined in red in the image below and rename the[50002].points files with the new IP address.
  3. The maintenance is complete and the server is back online. The IP address will be changing soon (in about 20 days). I do not know what the new IP address will be. I'll be sure to update this thread with that information when the time comes.
  4. Taking the server offline for maintenance. Should be back online by Saturday.
  5. The issue has been cleared. You should be able to join the server now.
  6. The server is back online. I apologize about the unexpected downtime.
  7. Took the server down to fix lag issues. Should be back up within 24 hours.
  8. The hardware upgrades have been completed and the server is back online. The player cap has been increased to 10.
  9. Taking the server offline 5/14 (tomorrow) sometime between 10-11AM central time (GMT -6) for hardware upgrades. It should be back online 5/17 (Saturday) by 6-7PM. Unfortunately this extended amount of downtime is not avoidable.
  10. >This server is now a new tekkit (version 1.2.8E) server.
  11. ~No BS Anarchy~ An anarchy server where pvp, raiding, and griefing is allowed. It is up to you to protect yourself with the tools available in tekkit. ~Server IP~ nobsmc.net ~Server Rules~ Use common sense. No intentional lagging/crashing the server. ~Mods Removed~ Chicken Chunks (Use the dimensional anchor to keep chunks loaded instead.) ~Items Removed~ Chunk Loader (MFR) Chunk Loader (Steve's Carts 2) Golden Dimensional Door Sacred Rubber Sapling ~Other Info~ Hard Difficulty No whitelist 14 player slots Unlimited Mystcraft ages and Dimensional Doors pocket dimensions. The world will never be wiped. This includes Mystcraft ages and pocket dimensions. I will release the server data as a publicly available download if I ever have to shutdown the server. Dimensional Anchor requires fuel. As close as possible to 24/7 up-time. If you have any questions, let me know. GL HF!
  12. ~No BS Anarchy~ ~Server IP~ ~Server Rules~ Use common sense. Don't do things that will lag/crash the server. No hacking X-RAY, fake flying, etc. [*]Other than that anything goes! ~Mods Removed~ Dimensional Doors Mystcraft Note these mods are removed due to the performance issues they can cause. They may be enabled in the future if the server gets a hardware upgrade. [*]Chicken Chunks Conflicts with chunk garbage collection of MCPC Plus. Removal of Chicken Chunks has no impact on gameplay. ~Banned Items~ None Note that the canvas bag dupe bug has been fixed on this server. Use of broken items that corrupt chunks like the BuildCraft builder and architect table will reward you with a permanent ban. ~Plugins~ MCPC Plus Not really a plugin, but you get the point. Needed to load bukkit plugins. [*]World Border Overworld and nether have a square border with a radius of 10,000 blocks from spawn. The end has a square border with a radius of 2,000 blocks from spawn. All the chunks inside these borders have already been generated to help mitigate lag. World boarder is needed due to performance reasons. We can't have players flying out a million blocks. This can cause lag/crashes. It also makes the world folder very large, making it a huge pain to backup. If server hardware is upgraded in the future this border may be extended or removed entirely [*]Essentials Used to set homes and for teleportations. ~Other Info~ Hard Difficulty No whitelist 8 player slots 8 player slots for now to see how the server handles itself. This cap may be increased if the server can handle the load, or when server hardware is upgraded. [*] As close as possible to 24/7 up-time. [*] RIP Cataclysm Survival :"( If you have any questions, let me know. GL HF!
  13. The Architect Table and Builder from BuildCraft have serious bugs. Don't use them.
  14. Pretty sure you can't teleport while falling. MrBatmatt needs to suicide immediately and respawn after joining.
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