Hello, I'm currently looking for members to play with HQM packs, since it get's boring playing alone
If your interested leave your
SKYPE IS MANDATORY Just so we can communicate
I will send out IP Addresses
IGN: Justgetloud
AGE: 16 years old
WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE SERVER: I would love to join this server because I have been looking for a good server to play on
were everybody is friendly
SKYPE: wisdomtrue
WHAT WOULD YOU ENJOY DOING ON THE SERVER: I'm really into witchery and I'm into food plus
Must have game updated
Don't Steal
No Griefing
Ask to enter peoples home
Don't ask for admin/mod/op
In-Game name:
How much do you know about the Modpack:
Why should i pick you:
Are you a Adventure/Builder/Crafter:
Minecraft In-Game name? Justgetloud
Age? 16
What country do you live in? USA
Do you have/use Skype? yes
Do you have/use Teamspeak? no
Will you be streaming or Uploading to Youtube? no
If so, Channel/Stream Name? no
Do you enjoy building or just playing? I enjoy both since its the overall goodness of the game
Acceptance of server rules? yes
Hi guys I'm starting a YouTube channel an I am looking for someone that wants to collab and partner up
You must be mature such as 16+ You must have a microphone Video editing software A skype account for calling and such A YouTube channel doesn't have to be big
You must have FRAPS
So if you're interested please drop me a PM with your name and info below so I can review it and question you on skype I will reach you guys shortly
Hi guys I'm starting a YouTube channel an I am looking for someone that wants to collab and partner up
You must be mature such as 16+
You must have a microphone
Video editing software
A skype account for calling and such
A YouTube channel doesn't have to be big
So if you're interested please drop a comment your name and info below so I can review it and question you on skype I will reach you guys shortly
Please answer the following questions-
IGN? Justgetloud
How active? every day
Age? 16
How well do you know the mod pack? i know everything really i do
Are you willing to help the community/donate to help with costs? maybe
Whats your favorite mod in the server? witchery
Skype name? wisdomtrue