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Everything posted by ArcticOreo

  1. IRL name (First Name): Max and Jack In Game Name: ArcticOreo And Deck6862 Skype name (mandatory):ubernovavox Age: (13-99):14 How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10):me 7-8 my brother 8-9 What do you want to do on the server:My brother wants to build a little town/shop and i want to build mansions and sell them for items and other stuff. Why you should join the server:I should join the server because me and my brother are mods on 3-4 servers. And because we can help out people because we have been playing AOTB for 2 months or so. Will you be recording and if so what is your channel? (Optional): I cant my brother might in a couple of weeks. My brothers channel has is SpeedyCrafted he has posted some vids.
  2. I am A Twin IGN:ArcticOreo My Brtohers IGN:Deck6862 Skype: ubernovavox
  3. IRL nameL : Max & Jack In Game Name: ArcticOreo & Deck6862 Skype name:ubernovavox Age: (14-20) 14 How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 8-9 What do u want to do on the server: Build a town/shopping village with my twin brother Deck6862 IRL name is Jack Why u should join the server:I want to join this server cause me and my twin want to be in a small communnity unlike all other server were people always grief
  4. IGN: ArcticOreo Skype [if I accept you, I will add you and inform you : D] ubernovavox i cant talk mic broken Do you agree with our rules to the server? Yes i have been on a couple other server that havnt banned me Age [This won't affect your application, so please do not lie : P]: 14 Youtube:Nope How active you will be on the server:5-6 weekdays 8-9 weekends Why should we pick you?:Because i Know Most thing on Attack Of the B-team
  5. Username:ArcticOreo Age:14 Location: (State or Country Only): Australia How often can you play:5-7 hours week days and 8-10 ours weekends What time(s) of day are you most likely to be on:afternoon How long have you played Minecraft:Since The Alpha Have you played a modpack before?: Yes If so, which one(s): every default one you get and pixelmon and heaps of Attack Of THe B-Team Have you published youtube videos before?: Tried Do you have any examples:
  6. Name:ArcticOreo Age(not required):14 Gender(not required):Male Where do i live(for time and lag stuff): i cant host but i want to join the server Could i please join the server silias I have been looking for ages now for a private server
  7. Minecraft name:ArcticOreo Age: 18 Why you want to join: To Play On a B-team Server were no one is griefing your house and so i can get help if needed and to help people if they need it. Your greatest Minecraft strengths: Building houses and redstone stuff which is also like other mods they do stuff like redstone. Your Minecraft Weaknesses: Crafting Stuff which shouldnt be a problem because of Too Many Items How often you will be on: 5-6 hours on weekdays and 8-10 hours on Weekends.
  8. IGN: ArcticOreo Age:14 What do you like to do: I like building house's, Using microblocks, playing and helping others. What do you dislike: Griefers, inaproprite language and people that dont help out with questions. What do you like to do in real life: Talking to friends, watching moves, playing other games, and metting new friends. Time zone, nearest city if you don't know: EST And nearest city Brisbane
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