I own a server that a few of my friends play on that we record on. We are looking for more players that would like an Attack of the B-Team server to record on. We're nothing special ourselves lol, We're just looking to get more players and have a good time. The server is hosted by Stickypiston Hosting. I plan on upgrading the server soon, but right now I see no point as there is only three of us.
Rules to the server:
No Griefing
No Raiding
Be nice and polite to others
Just have a good time!
It would also be nice if you would record for youtube.
Skype [if I accept you, I will add you and inform you : D]
Do you agree with our rules to the server?
Age [This won't affect your application, so please do not lie : P]:
How active you will be on the server:
Why should we pick you?:
Thank you and goodluck to everyone! :-)