I am currently 17, but birthday is in June
I am tired of playing on servers that have a bad community, or lots of lag. In my history of playing, I have found white-listed servers generally offer a much better playing experience.
I would label my self as an explorer+builder
All I really expect is a community that will not be annoying to play with, and hopefully a lag free server
I will not personally record, but would be willing to be in other peoples videos
I would have to play on the server for a while, before i know whether or not would want to donate.( No offense to the server, just rather poor)
I OK on smaller things, but unfortunately not very good at anything large scale
Currently I do not know much about anything other than the witchery mod, with the exception of tropi-craft, which i have had a lot of experience with. {so happy it is finally updated }
I plan to be on as much as possible, but may be off for periods of time( getting ready fro college, so very busy currently)
wolf, duh (btw I think you should make it lion, because lot of people would guess wolf, because server is named Wolverism
P.S.-In regards to rule #5, are you aware you can set it so a kill due to pvp will not drop someones items, while an environmental kill( such as lava, fire, mobs, falling, etc.) will cause people to drop their items?