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About H00d1yN1nj4

  • Birthday 08/30/1983

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H00d1yN1nj4's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Age: 30 Ign: H00d1yN1nj4 Why do you want to join the server?: I'm still hunting around for the right server, with the right mix of people. A smaller mature community that works well together would be fantastic as i've yet to find that. Hopefully this is the right place! I've just grown sick of the inmaturity of alot of the community and cant stand playing on any open servers anymore. People just come and go all the time, never really getting to know the server community and steal things that you worked so hade to get. Skype: message me on here if im accepted and ill send it to ya if need be. (Getting sick of the random people messageing me on skype.) Location: Michigan How well do you know this mod pack: I've been using a few of the mods in SSP for quite some time. Do you agree to the rules? Yes
  2. Age: 30 Ign: H00d1yN1nj4 Why do you want to join the server?: I'm still hunting around for the right server, with the right mix of people. A smaller mature community that works well together would be fantastic as i've yet to find that. Hopefully this is the right place! I've just grown sick of the inmaturity of alot of the community and cant stand playing on any open servers anymore. People just come and go all the time, never really getting to know the server community and steal things that you worked so hade to get. Skype: message me on here if im accepted and ill send it to ya. (Getting sick of the random people messageing me on skype.)
  3. I'll let ya know if i get that server up and running, if your still shoping around once its up.

  4. This is exactly the same mind set that i have with the comunity as a whole. I really would love to find a place just like your looking for, maybe we could just start our own?? I was already thinking of starting a modded server anyways, only thing is i would take out a few things and add in others. And yea the lewd comment about you being female just the toxic nature of some players, I for one would love having a women around on the server. Totally different build perspective then me or my friends that actually play minecraft(hint: none of them are female).
  5. Ign: H00d1yN1nj4 Have you ever ban banned or greifed?: Never been banned before, been greifed once but i hadent really built up much at the time it happened. (additional info) Age: 30 Why this server?: Still looking for the right community of players, that wanna build and explore everything this mod pack has to offer.
  6. IGN: H00d1yN1nj4 Age (no restrictions on age): 30 Experience level (with AotBT and/or MC): AotBT novice kinda, MC 2+ years What you are looking for in a server: A decent friendly mature community of players that just wanna have fun and explore what this modpack has to offer.
  7. igm: H00d1yN1nj4 age: 30 gender: male why you wan't to join: Still looking for just the right server, so far i've hade some bad luck. Would like a tight community of friendly, mature players. skype (optional but helpful to us): H00d1yN1nj4 Quick question tho, where are the servers located?
  8. Name: I'm sorry but i'm just not ok with posting my real name in anykind of forum. IGN: H00d1yN1nj4 Skype: H00d1yN1nj4 (installed) YouTube: H00d1yN1nj4 (i dont have any videos tho, after i get my new tower built in the next couple of months i'll be starting) Age: 30 Why do I want to join: I've grown bored of vanilla servers. B-Team's modpack is awesome and would love to play on a server with some mature people. I'm decent at building and really like exploring, Hopeing to find a group of like minded people to maybe work together with on the server.
  9. IGN: H00d1yN1nj4 Why you would be a good addition to the server: I'm a huge builder and explorer thats good at working with others. I've been looking for a good smaller server full of mature people to get to know and build with. I've grown bored of playing in vanilla servers, I would be on playing at the least 4 nights out of the week. Hopefully you consider me, and thanks in advance. Age: 30
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