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Everything posted by glitch159

  1. I've searched the vast interwebs for a clue on how to setup a server for my modpack, but none have been found that help too much. Can someone give me detailed instructions on how to make a server for my modpack?
  2. oh... whoops! i guess i can't read. Removed wrong files. I fixed it and... it works! Thank you, my good sir! Now... onto a new post somewhere else in the forums!
  3. well, here's the new modpack location if u need it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n0ln9itoplpu4v2/Scrub%20Club%20v1.4.5.zip or: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/n0ln9itoplpu4v2/Scrub%20Club%20v1.4.5.zip wait... those don't help. http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/scrub-club-v135.322099
  4. wait... hold up... its acting like vanilla mc now, not loading any mods... any help on that?
  5. IT WORKED! THANK YOU! But how does one learn of this knowledge in the first place, oh great and powerful Mr. Plow? Mr. Plow, thats your name... your name again is Mr. Plow!
  6. so, if i'm not planning on getting dropbox pro, then i should use ubuntu?
  7. I tried to make a modpack, following all instructions in multiple videos, but I kept on having the same error while trying to use it: Error downloading file for the following pack : Scrub Club (v1.4) Failed to download https://www.dropbox.com/s/avxxmvgrzmu6lbs/Scrub%20Club%20%28v1.4%29.zip Please consult the modpack author. I'm not sure why it won't download the files, because out of the 20 videos i've watched, they got their pack to work, and I couldn't. Any help? P.S. Before the error pops up, where it tells the % of the downloading file, it says about .599500% each time.
  8. I need help

    1. TheBytemaster


      That's nice.

    2. houzooboy


      okay and what would you need help with?

    3. Richs_Yard



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