Welcome To VYL8 NEW server addition, ATTACK OF THE B TEAM !!!!
Brief summary - I'm joe I have hosted many servers in the past and have now moved onto modpacks. my ideas for this server is for players to play attack of the b team with players like a community. the only plugins will be essentials this is because it will give players the chance to meet at spawn or ask to teleport to their friends.
No greifing
No stealing
No swearing
Be respectful to others
The server ip is -
Their is no mods removed this is to give players as much freedom as possible.
As I said above the only plugin would be essentials.
The server will be running 24/7
The type of player I will be accepting is friendly and willing to play in a community. I don't mine where you come from as long as you can speak English. it would also be a bonus if you be online quite frequently to keep other from playing on their own to much. I will be accepting most people so no sweat just apply.
The server is whitelisted so if you would like to post below your IGN, where you are from, how long you can be online and also your age. I will see your application and reply when you have been whitelisted.
When you join the server and im online I will give you a welcome pack, this will get you started and help you survive your first night and find you desired place to set up shop.
hope to see you on the server soon Regards joe