Age - 15
Favorite Mod in B Team - Morph mod, or micro blocks
What do you like to do in Servers? - I like to assist other players in large scale builds, or create my own. I typically enjoy long build sessions, often in which I build in a range of build styles, though I often enjoy a steam punk twist.
Why do you want to join my server? - I enjoy a close knit community, in which people get along well and enjoy an odd prank or two.
Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - nathan.mw3 (just call me Nate!)
Favorite Color - anything ranging from #0000FF to #00004C
Other Info I think is important: I am a minecraft realms server owner, as such i understand a little about server management, and conflict resolution.
I look forward to your response.