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E4RU last won the day on December 1 2017

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  1. @EvilOwl Thank you for the invitation. I have already joined Technic's Discord server. I will look into the bot you mentioned and try to assist other players through Discord when I am able to do so. (I honestly like the forums more. Here I can do everything at my own pace. So I usually assist through the forums. Especially in Platform Pagoda section.)
  2. This post may be at a wrong place. Well that's the moderator's problem. Please link us a modpack you're trying to open in this error. (Also what kind of graphics card you are using?)
  3. It seems to be an Authentication Error. Try again and again and it will work. If not you wrote your password&username wrong. (Technic authenticates you through Mojang auth servers, I believe. You usually just need to wait.)
  4. Could you re-write everything for us? I honestly have no idea what you tried to say here. Do you have 64-bit Java 8? If not get that.
  5. Please add full log from the server where this error occured. Use pastebin to give us the log that we need to assist you.
  6. When posting logs please use sites like pastebin.com For possible solution navigate to your server's config files and find forge.cfg Edit these lines to be true: # Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES. B:removeErroringEntities=false # Set this to true to remove any TileEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES. B:removeErroringTileEntities=false If problem isn't resolved please send a full log of the server. Also the server computer's specifications would be nice. (If the force.cfg settings wont delete those nasty entities set server's difficulty to peaceful and back to normal when you have logged in.)
  7. If you have Java 9 please uninstall it and install Java 8. Use this link: oracle.com to download Java 8 for Mac select the latest 64-bit version. If you do not have Java 9 try to reinstall technic launcher. If issue persist please provide technic logs. (From: %appdata%\.technic\logs ) (The link is to official oracle site. I am sorry if I have broken rules regarding to usage of links.)
  8. Your friend can also use dropbox, google drive to share the .zip file of the server.
  9. I am currently looking into the issue. Your modpack seems to be setup correctly. This is issue can be a conflict with another mod or just a bug with this mcheli version. Please try to use mcheli 1.0.3 (Download this particular version from curseforge) If issue persist you need to find out which mod is causing a conflict with mcheli. (By removing them one by one) If issue isn't resolved please contact the creator.
  10. Did you remember to update your modpack with this link and increase your modpack version? Also like Jaari mentioned that link is broken.
  11. it is recommended to keep a crafting station with you at all times
  12. It is currently possible to host modpack with plugins using the sponge project. It is like cauldron but newer and supported. You can just copy mods and config files from your installed modpack and place them in a new folder called Server. Then you drag and drop latest 1.10.2 spongeforge in Server folder and create a basic bat to open the spongeforge. You can find spongeforge by googling and you can find an example of the bat file by googling "minecraft bat file" just be sure to allocate enough ram for your server and port forward if needed.
  13. You need to make a .zip file out of sub folders. So don't put bin, mods, config etc in one folder and then zip them. You need to zip mods, config, bin etc into a zip file.
  14. Please add a link to your modpack.
  15. i can't find anything related to crash in your log file. Are you sure this is the real log for this particular problem? (I can only see lots of texture problems. Disable all resource packs if using them) Also the problem may not show in the log file if your operating system crashes before the minecraft can write the events in your log file. This may show that your computer/os is unstable or there is something else wrong here. Please send your computer set up (os, cpu etc) for me with a pm IF YOU TRUST ME. Also I would like to see mac logs. Open the Console from the Application->Utilities, you will see the log files. (Maybe works)
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