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Everything posted by Shadow
To be fair, the playstyle of both Zerg and Protoss are unique and therefor difficult for the gun-toting halfwits of today to wrap their brains around. Also, how many flight-capable vehicles are there in a map? I'm seeing a large amount of people (relatively) wanting to be pilots, and this usually ends in a full-rush to the vehicles at respawn.
All well and good, but the speed of sugar cane growth = god awful. Milk/soup generator operates as fast as you can click. It also scales, so any argument about size of reed farm is defeated as well. The only factor is the starting lineup and knowing how to make RP2 items, but this is offset by you not having to know how to code Lua.
The Plague Corporation *Mod Edit* Dis shit's wikked awesome yo.
Shadow replied to Backplague's topic in Avant Garde Arena
Honesty is the best policy: The design does look pretty easy to replicate from the images, and basic to boot. The only technical aspect is the CC programs and redstone feeds, all of which are wireless to the device. I'd be interested to contribute any help if you'd like, or just to see the design plans first hand. I never give a chance up to learn a better technique, and I'd like to get a peek at FORTH firsthand rather than see theoreticals. -
250%; the math isn't hard. 1 blaze rod grinded = 2.5x it's input. We can't really incorporate EU cost as there is no standard rate for this. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av8qymsPh1AOdEwxTmpxelpqX1VOTHdRT3dMaTZIS1E#gid=0 Bottom right I calculate efficiency, without heed to EU cost in maceration. Still, exploiting the difference in macerated blazerods is nice, but milk generators are by far more easily set up in the beginning (though itdepends if you find blaze-rods easier to find than diamonds). This is efficiency per stroke dependant on EMC going into the product, but as milk and soup have no prerequisite in terms of alternate inputs (barring the mooshroom) they tend to be fantastic early on and quite effective. I tried it out for a bit and got 4 cows in a cycle using two EE condensers, and it worked wonderfully. Stacks of diamond blocks over a couple hours, and I ended up giving up on EE at that point.
I suppose you are right, but this acts as a mechanism to keep people playing, thus keeping the game more accessible to people of all skill levels. I wonder if Planetside 2 will be able to keep its population at a sufficient level to be self-maintained. Popular games seem to attract more people due to being popular, thus prolonging their lifespan; the reverse is true as well. A good game without players has a harder time getting them, so it takes longer to launch. God I hope this game can maintain enough players; hype has to equal its deliverance, as any disparity between the two leads to less players in the end.
extra little inimini mod?
Shadow replied to ChargedCreeperBrony's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Maybe the fallacy of a dinosaur not killing everyone in sight finally breaches kids heads when they learn what a T-Rex really was like? What we were sold as children isn't exactly living up to my expectations in neither blood-lust nor bodycount. I wasn't much for either as I was stuck with Beavis and Butthead/Ren and Stimpy, but the Teletubbies always reminded me of human/mosquito/acid hybrids and were a thing to be feared. -
extra little inimini mod?
Shadow replied to ChargedCreeperBrony's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
New to the internet? -
The model is based around a game concept tried and validated through the likes of DOTA; its numbers keep it strong enough to entice people to continue playing, and the constant skin releases give people something to buy. Not to mention the entire game is largely disabled for free players (by that I mean the heroes), allowing only a few to be played for free at a time. As I believe Planetside2 isn't going to augment their sales by restricting content (because it is only cosmetic/shortcut sales) I still hold my skepticism. Not to mention it is a concept being based on a largely untested (relatively speaking) FPS-MMO.
The Plague Corporation *Mod Edit* Dis shit's wikked awesome yo.
Shadow replied to Backplague's topic in Avant Garde Arena
Did you decide on CC computers, or RP2? I'd be interested in seeing how you're doing this either way. Industrialcraft2: Provides power, machines, cables, building material (CF foam). Compact Solars: Add-on to IC2 that gives the HV Solar Array. This link for his math. Buildcraft: The quarry, pipes, redstone engines. ComputerCraft: The screen, CPU (the interpreter of the redstone signals). Redpower2: The redstone linking it all (Both from the computer and the wool looking thick cord that hooks to the redstone engines), the lights (illuminators). Power Converters: The Energy Links powering the wooden pipes. (Chickenbones) Wireless Redstone: Self explanatory; gives the dish-things you see in the screenshots. You missed your entire input and transfer system, Buildcraft. :P -
If they're not crafting the tnt to get it, they're cheating for it. Read the stickies and delete NEI server-side, then attempt to get a ban-on-placement working.
In my experience, people are drawn to "anarchy" servers (Normally read: incompetent staff). Tell me how many players you have in two months and we'll judge how well you're doing. Also you might be aware that removing the NEI mod server-side should help quell some of the issues, but Worldguard ban-on-placement should totally fix your issue. You could also take a visit to the stickies in this forum, namely: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/useful-guides-links-server-setup-guides-fixes-patches-more.11408/ Also, because you seem so fantastic at server ownership, this should bring you up to mediocre-status: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/so-you-got-yourself-a-tekkit-server.11260/
The Plague Corporation *Mod Edit* Dis shit's wikked awesome yo.
Shadow replied to Backplague's topic in Avant Garde Arena
I thought the math showing the amount of HV solars you used proved it was creative, but meh. As said before, the computer programs handling it are the impressive part, so no panty-twisting. You can't just cheat in good programming. Though if you want better suggestions on handling your machines basic operations, I'm open to questions; seems an awful lot of this resolves consumption issues by throwing power at it. -
Even if I get a year of this, I think I'd be happy. Most games end up doing as Nexon or the likes of APB where they need the money so badly, they just pump-out pay-to-win guns. Eventually when the population runs low, it will happen...But one full year of decent gameplay? Yes please. If only they'd warn us and allow us to throw money at them to prevent them from becoming pay-to-win; it's not the money I'm worried so much about as the balance/fair play. Giant cojones and a fanatical fanbase.
Something something, indoor maps, something something. I've got about 4 friends pushing for me to play this as well, but I'm hesitant because cash shops in an FPS don't normally fare well. Then I watch some game play. I don't like the thought of losing a chunk of the year to this game, but I may not have a choice.
I wanna call out troll, but I'm not totally convinced. How can someone unintentionally fit to-the-tee a stereotype purported on the likes of 4chan and whatnot? Or, it could just be stupidity. Who am I to say? I'm standing by this statement though (read: hiding behind), it's too coincidental. Actually, it's not too coincidental. That website is too legit for me to say they're totally coherent/cognitively able, so I revoke my suspicions.
Tell us specifically what version your launcher is targeting instead of "the latest". Recommended build? Dev build? (Though 1.1 is neither...so...) Which option do you choose to determine what your launcher runs (Manual, recommended, latest, etc)?
The Plague Corporation *Mod Edit* Dis shit's wikked awesome yo.
Shadow replied to Backplague's topic in Avant Garde Arena
Well the complexity is as a result of using only two mods; sure, we could rationalize that it would be easier to just use x over y, but the beauty of this is that he did it with only these mods; sure, it may sacrifice effectiveness for a mass amount of items on screen, but that's what you get when you build something with an arguably inferior system (as of now). With that mentality we might as well just convert everything to EMC and spawn whatever we want via that, because it's more effective. I think the entire point is that the huge screen makes this accessible/understandable to those who don't use CC; if you're going to make a better system, I'd suggest using CC to keep the giant fucking screen so you can get the same response (even if it is less powerful than RP2 Computers). Just saying "The computer tells me ____" as opposed to a huge wall that says "You dun' goofed" doesn't get the public jollies rustlin'. -
The Plague Corporation *Mod Edit* Dis shit's wikked awesome yo.
Shadow replied to Backplague's topic in Avant Garde Arena
You could potentially use a relay (RP2 [the automatic one] or TubeStuff [already automatic) and link the macerators via a small selection of Redpower pipes. The relay has an inventory of about 18 spaces and attempts to eject items regularly, acting as a conduit to your RP2 pipes and a buffer for ores, which should be more than enough to handle your input. -
Equivalent Exchange Missing In 3.1.0(Development)
Shadow replied to KKABCD's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
This would work if we were using EE standalone; the most effective EMC generation has always been exploiting the differences between a base and refined product, which is not supposed to happen but does via our mods. Server owners would have to disable the maceration of Blaze Rods, Bonemeal, the ability to milk cows automatically, and I believe the fire charge recipe. When you do this, people get pissed. Not to mention the vast power of the end-tier items, which normally get disabled due to their ability to wreck havoc on the entire map (a concept designed for SSP). What do you have then? A slow way of making extra dirt, [sarcasm] which is exactly why people love EE. [/sarcasm] It's much easier to explain to someone that EE is removed or there entirely than mention it's edited all to hell; people resist change of this magnitude. -
Already addressed this in the spreadsheets chat function, but the base calculations are in minutes which at the end-function are multiplied by 60 to get the amount within an hour. Clarification: The numbers presented are items per minute, which are multiplied by a factor of 60 to get items per hour; it is not "minutes to gather 1 item". EDIT: With freakachu present, we were able to work out something I stupidly added into my factor of time: the time actually gathering, which is very, very stupid. Now I only need to be able to address output with the additional factor of hull size vs trips taken, to factor in the amount of time wasted... I'm thinking taking the average amount of loads per hour, multiplying this by the time traveled, and getting this into the equation as the time used. But what do I know? I'm fucking beat. Current progress, which is easier than I made it: J11 / ( K11 + (C16 * C9 ) ) * 60 or Input / (Time + (Traveltime)) * 60 Testing: =(J9 / ( K9 + (C16 * C22) * (60 / (C15 / ( J9 / K9) / 60)))) * 60 or (Input / Time + (Traveltime) * (60/ (Capacity / (Inputrate) / 60)))) * 60 It looks like I got it. Thanks to Freakachu for letting me bounce ideas off of them, and feeling some of what I've been feeling lately. Now I need to do the same equations, but utilizing an override value of Average/hr. Was able to get an approximate value utilizing the previous code. (B9*60) / (60 + (C14*C9) * (60 / (C13 / (B9/60)))) or (Avg/hr*60) / (60 + Traveltime * (60 / (Capacity / Inputrate))) [/thread]
It is all converted into minutes and per end-formula converted to hours. Also, why the commas in "0,25 hours"? Just adapting to the methods of these spreadsheets, so I don't understand what makes it different than 0.25. Also the other formulas all work correctly still, as these numbers are based off of rudimentary inputs and function as intermediary calculations for debugging purposes (I plan on incorporating the equations into the final cell and removing the clutter from the screen later). I'm not sure if you can see the functions, but if you'd like access to toy with it some, I'm game. (No spoiler tags in these forums?) My current thinking on the net formula: I need to use the standard Net = Gross/time formula as a base (Gross rate / min) as a starting point The denominator should include factors like hull size to determine the amount of trips, and distance should be calculated so that if = 0 (or actually the denominator = 1), Net = Gross... If this is the case, I can add a conditional that if distance = 0, to remove the Hull Capacity from the equation and it should come out to Gross.
I like to make spreadsheets, and apparently it's been too long since I took economics to do a semi-basic calculation of input vs. time. Basically I wanted to make an EVE spreadsheet that could take some arbitrary numbers and calculate your rate of gathering, and output your profit per hour (along with an override column for custom numbers). I can easily find the gross numbers for this but to calculate net rate in regards to hull capacity vs # of trips... I'm fumbling and for some reason cannot seem to find the perfect formula. What I've got now L11 / ( M11 + F11 ) * 60, or more simply: #collected / (Timecollected + Roundtriptime) * 60 This is clearly wrong, as my denominator is much too large and I expect this to be an exponential function, and to be honest I'm just kaput on the whole thing. It's been too long since I took a math course, so I'm asking for input from you. At the very least this should give me a record of my own thinking. The spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av8qymsPh1AOdGw4R0hXcm53czlkcHpyRFMteC13Z3c I've thought this over multiple times, and in the effort of not misleading whoever posts I chose not to include my own ideas. They were all wrong. Looks like I'm posting them anyways.