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  1. Hi, Really late reply, sorry, but the "immibs" microblocks work correctly with ME cables whilst the "forge" ones don't. But, for me, the "immibis" microblocks cause the occasional crash and glitch so I only use them for the ME cables and "forge" everywhere else.
  2. Hi irl_goat, As far as I know the most efficient way is to... Save up nether redstone ore and nether ferrous ore. Smelt and then pulverise the redstone ore to get some cinnabar (and tonnes of redstone dust). Smelt the nether ferrous ore to get plain ferrous ore and then combine that with the cinnabar in an induction smelter to get one shiny ingot per ferrous ore. This moves the bottleneck, in my opinion, to getting enough nether redstone ore to make cinnabar from. A decent sized nether quarry and a smart processing chain (with or without an AE network) should give you a reasonable amount without too much effort beyond setting it all up. But still, it's a rare material. All the best.
  3. HI VampiricT, When you enable the modem connected to the reactor you should get a message telling you what it's called the reactor -- on my Tekkit it calls the first one BigReactors-Reactor_0 and then counts up each time you (re-)connect a modem to a reactor. You just need to edit the peripheral.wrap() line near the top of the script to match. See http://computercraft.info/wiki/Peripheral_(API)#Connecting_peripherals_using_networking_cables An alternative, if you connect the computer directly to the reactor computer port, is to use the peripheral.wrap( <side> ) form of the function. You might get the script to "auto detect" a reactor (any reactor?) using something like peripheral.find( 'BigReactors' ) but I've never tried it so I've no idea if it will work. Hope that helps,
  4. Hi Erniuss, The problem, at least on my Tekkit, is that the output icon is not shown in the crafting grid when you enter a correct recipe -- but if you hover the output slot with your mouse you'll see it highlight, a quantity digit being shown and you can "pick up " the crafted item. Once in your inventory the icon is shown correctly. For example, I can take a ruby saw and place it above a cobblestone block in the grid and then click on the (empty looking) output slot to grab two cobblestone slabs. I think the recipes are the same for both the "forge" and "immibis" microblocks so, saw to the left of the block to make pillars and nooks; saw above to make slabs, panels and thinner pillars. Arrange eight slabs/panels/covers in a ring to make same with hole in the middle. All the best,
  5. Hi VampiricT, Late reply but hope it's of some hep to you... You are quite welcome to use my ComputerCraft script as a starting point, should be more or less set up: you just need to set the reactor name at the top and then tweak the output for your display. http://pastebin.com/ZRRgin05 Should be simple enough to add a check for a "manual" button signal to break out of the control loop. label set ReactorMonitor pastebin get ZRRgin05 startup exit All the best,
  6. Hi Kotja, Not really related (so a new thread might be in order) but, from my understanding Tesseracts are only "lossy" when used to send power (25% according to the fine wiki) but not with items. How many items are you losing -- if you send four stacks of dirt (256 blocks), how many do you receive at the other end? The wiki mentions that the power lossy-ness can be adjusted in a configuration file, perhaps yours is changed to make item transfer lossy as well? Sorry I'm not much help without a little more information.
  7. Thanks for the reply, Curnuir. I was kind of expecting that the answer would be a "no", oh well -- back to the drawing board (which, to be honest is half the fun of playing Tekkit) and start making more Export Busses. I favour the Item-/Flui-ducts for general transport because they hide behind Forge Microblocks, whilst only the Immibs ones seem to work with the ME cables and I've had lag problems with the Immibis blocks, but that's a whole new thread... However, I'm still unclear what the "Export Config" part of the ME Interface UI is for, as it does not seem to export items to attached inventories (chests or machines) either. They seem to only export items for crafting via installed Encoded Patterns when they are requested by the MAC or a ME Terminal.
  8. Hello, I've been trying to tidy up my bootstrap AE ore processing chain by relocating and expanding it. My idea is to have a row of three or four pulverizers being fed by a common Itemduct and dumping output back into the ME network. I'd have a similar setup with furnaces. I'd like to use a bank of ME Interfaces to feed items into the input itemduct so I can use combinations of encoded patterns (cobble to sand, for example) and auto processing (gold ore into gold dust, for example) but I can't figure out how to get the Interface to interact with the Itemduct. An example: I place a new Interface down with a single piece of gold ore in the left-hand "Export Config" grid. The network places a piece of gold ore in the right-hand "Exported Items" grid. Now I want to use an Itemduct to draw that piece of gold ore out of the Interface and into a pulverizer so that all the gold ore in my network eventually gets processed automatically into gold dust. I'd then have a duplicate setup to smelt all the gold dust into gold ingots and so on. My understanding is that the Interface looks like an inventory to the Itemduct? I've tried applying a redstone signal to the Itemduct; a pneumatic servo in the Itemduct; "rotating" the Interface to point it's "crafting" side at the Itemduct and putting a chest between the Interface and Itemduct. The only way I can get it to work is to use a Fuzzy Export bus to fill chests with items and then Itemducts from the chests for the auto processing part and use separate ME Interface with encoded patterns placed directly on a pulversizer/furnace for the on-demand part. Am I missing something or do I have to rethink?
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