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Everything posted by Saddamo

  1. yes, happned exactly same 2 months ago and nothing was changed... and happening again with new pack...
  2. Technic platform stopped to count downloads and runs for my modpack 2 weeks ago. Its basically not counting anything. Whats wrong this time? modpack name: Proton Colony
  3. going to delete and upload again, there is nothing else how to sort it out...
  4. small statistics... Redalert's Skyrim Adventure! made 3.2. 2015 likes 10 downloads 582 runs 1k+ second place in trending... compare to: made about: 19.3. 2015 likes 8 downloads: 772 runs: 1k+ and not displayed...so something is not working properly...
  5. it stopped in one day...when it jumped from 550 to 750... there are many modpacs...like 100 downloads 200 runs for last 2 weeks... so its definetly not becasue "downloads and runs" Likes downloads runs 1 29 48 1 35 57 1 47 71 1 55 81 22.3. 19:42 1 69 102 22.3. 24:00 1 81 114 25.3. 2:44am 3 210 309 25.3. 9:34am 3 221 328 25.3. 16:48 4 244 369 25.3. 23:00 4 300 406 26.3. 1:01 4 318 481 26.3. 2:21 325 494 26.3. 9:29 341 521 26.3. 17:50 8 395 600 26.3. 20:00 8 423 642 27.3. 0:14 479 711 450 dropbox limit 27.3. 1:49 497 743 27.3. 10:29 8 540 804 27.3. 17:09 548 829 30.3. 2:31 8 656 1000+ 1.4. 20:31 8 753 1300+
  6. Proton Colony Gen 2 it had 500+ downloads in first few days, its blocked in trending packs for last 5 or 7 days and have no idea why... I have "cover story" for it, but will not update the story, till its live again...
  7. my modpack was blocked from trending packs... I want to know why...thats a good start...
  8. thank you, I didnt know where to put it...my appologies...
  9. I will be very happy, if somebody from genuine Technicpack staff can PM, I have some questions and I will be very happy to have them answered. Thanx
  10. I have no idea why, but my modpack is not shown in trending packs even after browsing 15 pages... 761 x download 1400 x run It was on the first page for last few days and it dissapeared... Technic support didnt respond for last 3 days... WTF?
  11. copy + paste last crash into pastebin...
  12. just do it slowly and follow the steps, u CAN do it :-D if it helped...say thank you...
  13. yo, if you want to try bit harder modpack... Proton Colony Gen 2 is for you...
  14. if ANY modpack is crashing, try to reinstall technic launcher...then check how many ram do u have for launcher in settings... if crashing after - then check the modpack folder / crashs-reports... I bet you dont have enough ram for technic launcher...try increase it in launcher options...
  15. what java do you have what system do you have how many ram do you have ... that would be good start to answer this questions first...then send the link which pack u want to run...
  16. 1. download technic launcher and install it 2. fill in your details 3.run technic launcher 4.click "Modpacks" find your desired modpack 5. click install it 6. wait for download and install 7. click play, thats it
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