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About Rooster

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. I've ran into this problem with MCEdit myself. I even had a Pistonwood forest after one edit. I suspect this may be best solved by submitting a bug report to MCEdit.
  2. zenmender: It's usually polite to read everything posted before you add to a thread. Or did you not read Cheapshot's rant as well? Edit: Or what you posted as well for that matter. If something isn't stable yet, maybe that's why it hasn't been updated? Perhaps just maybe when it DOES become stable we'll see Tekkit 4? Tekkit is a complicated monster culminating from many diverse moddding teams for Minecraft. ALL the parts have to be updated for it to move forward, which is why it's been so long since the last update for 'classic'.
  3. I really suggest using MultiMC if you're running a small customized server. It helps the client side part of the distribution.
  4. Technic: 7 letters. Better Than Technic: 17 letters, 3 spaces. Somehow, I think it would be more beneficial to compare to the 1.2.5 dev build at the moment, since it's a closer comparison. Does BTT have a dev build cycle of some sort we can be even more even with? Are we counting Buildcraft and Redpower the same number of times on both sides? I don't really think it's worth counting every single subpiece of a mod as separate mods, even if that skewers those numbers further one way or the other. Also, how "big" are these mods? A mod that just adds five new flowers is still a mod, but Technic probably wouldn't bother with something that minor unless they were some sort of laser-shooting death flowers or something. Oh, or had creeper faces. Ultimately, tricky to compare a basic number like that, especially if both packs have the same "big mods" and one adds in a bunch of smaller, useless or boring mods. (Which in turn is a subjective thing as well.) Same seed/stuff going on nearby? Do both mod packs have the same mods that can cause a lot of FPS dropping installed, or BTT dropping some of the laggier mods? +1 Hellen Keller point for not reading stickies. So, the only important parts in your summary above involves the number of mods and FPS, which means nothing else you stated was important enough to include in your summary. Personally, I think a more useful comparison is the "feature list" table you see in a lot of product comparisons on corporate websites. I would write a four column table with the name of the mod, the version for each mod pack (or a nice big red Not Included) and a final column for a description of what that mod does, in a one sentence summary. This would allow a person new to these mods the ability to quickly figure out which set of mods better suits their playstyle while at the same time helping everyone discover new mods they may not have heard of AND helping your original target audience of people find which they like better.
  5. Well, Diablo DOES use a lot of fire based abilities...
  6. You can tune a computer, but you can't tune a fish.
  7. Actually, I find that my carbon footprint has gone down by orders of magnitude ever since I switched from coal-powered furnaces to solar panels and geothermal generators. Edit: Of course, there are plenty of new options for shooting wild animals with firearms in Technic/Tekkit as well. So, maybe Technic is bipartisan?
  8. A question to the OP... do you have any suggestions on how to fix any of the current issues with the dev build? Have you playtested it at all and found any severe problems and know how to fix them?
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation
  10. ...what is this? CheapShot, we told you no getting drunk and impregnating the hookers. Now we have a Cheap Jr!
  11. Am I the only person who mentally heard this post in this voice? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KyQX45c3Qw
  12. There are fake users for [RedPower] [buildcraft] [industrialCraft] and [Forestry]. You need to give them build permission.
  14. Consulting my records, it appears your ban reason was due to touching yourself at night.
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