First, I would suggest using CB++ instead of CB http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/cb-upgrading-tekkit-3-1-2.19176/
Second, If you are using CB plugins then check which takes heavy load https://clientarea.minecraftlayer.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=33 do /timings merged and /timings merged. Paste log from timings folder to http://pastie.org/ and upload it here.
Also try playing with java parameters http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/new-server-questions-need-a-little-advice-and-ideas.19458/#post-153648
If you are advanced user, you can check with VisualVM which part of Tekkit mod/plugins takes most resources on server thread.
On current image you can see that server has low TPS because of high amount of Wireless Redstone usage in server thread.