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Everything posted by Mercury

  1. Yeah ... Welcome to "lovely" technic community.
  2. Here we go. Early MCPC 1.4.2 build. http://www.mcportcentral.co.za/index.php?topic=3998.0
  3. CB++ does not need /save-all as it has its own saving technique.
  4. You can keep Wireless Redstone but WR-CBE Addons-Bukkit is waste of cpu. Do you have MC/Tekkit hosting or VPS? Without WR-Addons server is much much more better https://dl.dropbox.com/u/54281287/MC/VisualVM5.PNG
  5. Updated first post. @Bangers Did CP post any errors? What kind of IC2 items you tried to RB?
  6. Plugin-profiling is pretty self explainable. Which part do you not understand? For launch.bat/launch.sh you can try: here. Colleague of mine did some science and found out something interesting. Wireless Redstone Addons takes 20% (or even more, up to 46%) of server thread (See image). By disabling this mod (WR-CBE Addons-Bukkit you can have less load on your server . Basicly Wireless Redstone Addons are not important game changers and can be removed without any hassle. You can read more about theme from here. 17% of server thread is used by tickEntity() which are used by mobs and animals. You can play around with bukkit.yml and lower settings like: java -d64 -server -showversion -Xmn2G -Xms8G -Xmx8G -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=30 -jar Tekkit.jar nogui Parameters and what they do you can find monsters-per-chunk: 35 land-creatures-per-chunk: 7 water-creatures-per-chunk: 2 spawn-limits: monsters: 35 animals: 7 water-animals: 2 ticks-per: animal-spawns: 800 monster-spawns: 2 Also check if any players use Enderchests in (somewhat big) factories, with heavy use of them can really take your TPS down.
  7. Turning down weather and spawning items is not the way I like running servers. Try ClearLag v1.4, it should work fine.
  8. @Djinnii I think deleting items is not an ideal solution. On CB++ each stack on ground is equal to one item. You can set limit to 1000 or even higher and it still should be fine. Check latest (ClearLag v1.4) CLAG http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/clearlagg/ - It cleans on demand. Whenever items hit limit, it will remove them. The only downside of CB++ I see is weather. Afforess made custom weather changes which can't be tweaked in #75 build. Now I have stormy and rainy weather pretty much.
  9. @smithy285 First, I would suggest using CB++ instead of CB http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/cb-upgrading-tekkit-3-1-2.19176/ Second, If you are using CB plugins then check which takes heavy load https://clientarea.minecraftlayer.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=33 do /timings merged and /timings merged. Paste log from timings folder to http://pastie.org/ and upload it here. Also try playing with java parameters http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/new-server-questions-need-a-little-advice-and-ideas.19458/#post-153648 If you are advanced user, you can check with VisualVM which part of Tekkit mod/plugins takes most resources on server thread. On current image you can see that server has low TPS because of high amount of Wireless Redstone usage in server thread.
  10. 46,8% of Server Thread is used by CodeChicken Wireless Redstone. This is a very high usage. Are there any fixes or newer revisions out there? I suggest removing WR-CBE Addons-Bukkit Read more here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lag-ram-and-tps.27657/#post-238910
  11. What do you think about hawkeye reloaded? http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/hawkeye-reload/ Not compatible
  12. Hey, I am looking for simple ChatManager with channel support + (CraftIRC & PEX compatible). No need any fancy stuff and plenty of unneeded commands. Channel per IRC channel could also be a possibility. Suggestions ? Thanks!
  13. I am talking about latest update which you have not checked. 1.6 is working perfectly fine on 1.2.5.
  14. - -modifyworld.items.use.27526:*.on.block.* and enable item-use-check: true from Modifyworld/config.yml
  15. Can you be more specific? How does alc. bag glitch works?
  16. Running CB++ #75 and have a problem. It almost everytime rains or heavy storm. Sun is rarely available in server.
  17. but this one from second post http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35470/tubestuff_49.1.2_for_1.2.5-bukkit.jar ?
  18. Hey. Tekkit 3.1.2 Dynmap 0.70 On the picture there should be interdiction torch on the left side but is rendered as emerald 1.3 ore. On the right side there is Tekkit emerald ore for comparison. http://minekraft.eu:40023/?worldname=world&mapname=surface&zoom=6&x=13.639207116668473&y=64&z=88.32736087949755 This building is built of marble stone but rendered as cobble. stone bricks --> cobble stairs.
  19. What version of LWC do you suggest ?
  20. @Sp0nge , I can't find your LWC post. I have also sent you a PM.
  21. Can't find right now. Can I have link please?
  22. Wow. My Tekkit server is now Super fast on CB++. Thanks, everything is very smooth, no lags and no Can't keep up stuff.
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