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Everything posted by D3matt
Not exactly a bug but I couldn't find a better forum for it. Currently the login window for Technic Launcher has no window title. This makes it incompatible with password managers auto-fill function. I use KeePass, which checks the title of the active window in order to know which password to autofill, I'm sure others function similarly. Can we please have a title added the Technic Launch Login window?
How to make a tekkit lite server(never did this til now)
D3matt replied to Legion112's topic in Tekkit Lite Discussion
lolwut? First of all, that post is 3 months old. Second of all, your logic is horribly flawed. The help is already out there, so why go ask people to make new help personally? If he tries it using information he found online and can't get it, I'd be happy to help. But I won't help somebody who doesn't put in effort to help themselves. -
Buy the server with the L5320s, you can easily buy a pair of L5420s later for dirt cheap, and you'll appreciate the extra RAM. Set up ESXi, don't just run directly on the hardware, there's no way one linux install needs 24GB of RAM. Believe it or not, the biggest source of lag with that setup will be hard drive throughput. ESXi makes it easy to track this, and I frequently see spikes in hard drive queue time, which means lag for minecraft. Having 24GB of RAM you can easily use ramdisk for minecraft. This server... Is it a supermicro by chance? I own the exact same one. You can fit a 2nd drive in it if you're creative.
I got it fixed. I redid my directory structure to be less confusing.
That's the hash of an empty string, and it's the same MD5 I am getting.
That is how I have it, but it is not calculating the correct MD5. I also can't figure out where modpacks go.
Can anyone help with this? Where is the slug for the mod and modpack supposed to be, relative to the repo location? (/mods/ in my case)
Now I'm having issues with the incorrect link and hash. My mods directory is in /TechnicSolder/public/mods/, and I can get to it from the web. When I had my solder.php set up with that URL, it added an extra /mods/ in the links, so it was /mods/mods, and it was just giving me the MD5 hash for a blank string. Now I changed it so that the extra /mods/ doesn't show up, but I'm still just getting the same hash for a blank string, even though copying and pasting the link takes me to the file.
I could not use my other host, however I was able to get a koding.com account and set it up there. I was able to get it working by symlinking public and then setting up .htaccess with this little gem from the laravel forums: http://paste.laravel.com/6GM. So I put TechnicSolder in my /Users folder and then symlink public to user/Sites/user.koding.com/website (This is the public root)/repo. I haven't yet decided what to do about the mod repository, I think that I will set up on my other host. My only problem is that the Solder admin panel sends the "Dashboard" link to the root domain (user.koding.com) instead of user.koding.com/repo. All other links in the dashboard respect my /repo directory. I'm also concerned about /api/. The way it's currently setup you HAVE to to put index.php/api/ and I'm not sure if technic will do that or just try to go to /repo/api (which won't work). Maybe I can somehow symlink that? EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot the .htaccess file (I swear I made it before, but oh well.)
Can I put the public solder directory wherever I want though, it doesn't have to be one level below the rest of the solder files like it comes by default? So for example say I FTP in to "/", and below "/html/" which is where the public directory starts. I can put the contents of the solder public folder in "/html/repo/" and bind a subdomain to that folder, right?
How to make your own server w/ modpack from scratch!
D3matt replied to PeggleFrank's topic in Server Op Swap Shop
lol why only 1.2.5? That's like... 6 months old. Why don't mod developers allow download of 1.2.5 versions? -
So, assuming my web server has other sites, etc. stemming off from the main pub directory, how would I go about setting solder up so the public root for solder is in a subfolder of public? Is it as simple as moving everything solder puts in public into the desired subfolder?
Minecraft VoIP?
Did this video ever get released?
Why would he be, and why bother posting if that's all you're going to post? Obviously you assumed he IS, since you didn't dignify him with an actual response.
I am assuming you got there error on the client? There's a more detailed error on the server console probably. Post that. Also check your firewall.
Exactly. And it's not so much that there's a problem with having a lot of mods, just that there aren't really any modpacks with a small number of mods. I was just throwing my opinions out there, not trying to tell people how to play the game. If you like have 100+ mods and 5 different blocks to do the same thing, that's fine.
Right, but only ONLY the technic pack mods. They were just the most popular and the ones I checked mod lists for in more detail already.
Well, Cheap Shot, I wasn't talking only about Technic Pack mods. I looked at several of the more popular modpacks and found them filled with more mods than I cared to read. I certainly understand the appeal of more mods; More stuff to do! Personally I have only actually played Tekkit so far because I like it, and I've been playing it for a long time. I just don't see why ALL the modpacks have to be like that, and why there are no popular modpacks with a smaller footprint. With careful mod choice, one can still "Automate all the things!" without having 100 mods.
I love how you support you assertion very nicely, I'll be sure to take that into consideration. Who's jumping on anybody? I'm just trying to figure out why there are no "lightweight" packs out there. You do bring up a valid point though, some people get bored of one thing after a few days and want to try something else.
I'm not so sure, honestly. No more so than anything else, tbh. There are plenty of "war" mods and items in Tekkit. Just because catching up is harder doesn't make it less of a battle mod. The same head start characteristics apply to any type of server. Although, if anything this just goes to support what I said about mod packs having too many mods. Tekkit doesn't really know what it wants to be, it just packs as much in as possible trying to attract as many people as possible. Same story with almost every pack I've looked at on here. Few seem to have such a well-defined purpose or just clean modlists as voltz.
Have fun when it overheats and dies. And I bet you're not on a 0.75Mb connection.
I see. I guess that makes sense. But what about a modpack that would be good for a "peace" server that are similarly simple and lightweight? Is such a thing possible, in your opinion? Personally I think yes, I've never been a fan of having 5 mods that do the same thing just for the sake of having them.
Do everyone a favor, don't run a server on a laptop, especially a laptop on a 0.75mb/s upload. Get one of the other 3 people to run it.