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Everything posted by D3matt

  1. But why? That seems like it should be more related to the content of the included mods than the number of mods.
  2. Have you tried remaking the folder and putting the mods back in the folder? Obviously if you delete it they aren't going to magically to reappear.
  3. Because he specifically asked for your help and nobody else's.
  4. I see that a lot of packs, particularly the Technic official packs, seem to focus on getting as many mods as possible to work together. While this is certainly a worthy task, I don't think it necessarily makes a good mod pack. Looking through, for example, Big Dig, I can't really figure out what makes it substantially different from, say, Tekkit Lite. They both have massively cluttered mod lists with about 5 different duplicates of most items and machines. Voltz is much more my cup of tea. Small, yet covering all the bases, without substantial unnecessary overlap, and everything works. This is truly an elegant pack. This is what I believe makes a truly good mod pack. And yet so few packs seem to take this high road. It seems everybody would rather put as much in as possible to appeal to as many of the short-attention-span children as possible to be as popular as possible. I'm curious, what does the rest of the community have to say on this subject?
  5. Why did you necro this to add something completely unrelated to the topic?
  6. Yup. Still a problem. Still no solutions.
  7. I can't help with the chron job, but as for your other question... If I understand correctly, repo_location is the internal location relative to the script, so that should just be either "../" or "/home/u547714130/public_html/". mirror_url is the external location that the client downloads the files from, so that should be your domain name or IP address and nothing else, since public_html is the root of the public site. Solder URL should end in /api and will be yhe path to your solder install from outside (So, like "domain.com/solder/api" or maybe just "domain.com/api".)
  8. Could a chron job be used? My host allows me to run chron jobs, maybe I could run that once as a chron job.
  9. Am I correct in understanding that this takes more than just FTP access to a php-enabled webserver server to set up?
  10. Title: Internal exception: java.io.IOException: Received string length is less than zero! Version: 0.5.1 OS: Windows Server 2012 Standard (Any client version) Java Version: 0.5.1 Description of Problem: All users upon connecting to the server will disconnect with an exception after 0-5 seconds. The server only shows a disconnect.endOfStream error. The client only shows the below error: Error Messages: Internal exception: java.io.IOException: Received string length is less than zero! Weird string! Error Log: Internal exception: java.io.IOException: Received string length is less than zero! Weird string!
  11. Why did you bump a thread from 4 months ago that was already answered just to suggest redownloading Java (which wasn't even the problem in the first place?)
  12. Nobody has anything on this?
  13. But then all users need to use the same settings. All it needs is to be more clear about the permissions.
  14. Vanish still works great, it's just a bit more complicated to configure than just giving vanish.* now.
  15. Long story short, tekkit community is full of self-righteous douchebags of all sorts, get used to it.
  16. ComputerCraft can be configured to use a fake user for each turtle, which is useful if you want users turtles to work in their own protections (with a bit of work) or if you have a logging plugin to track which turtle broken a block, rather than just "[Turtle]"
  17. Every time I join my server, I spawn at my last logged off location... Except I spawn at those coordinates in a mystcraft age. Age 7, to be precise. And I'm not the only one. I can't for the life of me figure out why, I've never even used mystcraft before. Help?
  18. Title: AnvilChunkLoader exception spam Version: 0.5.1 OS: Windows Server 2012 Standard Java Version: Java 7 Update 9 64-bit Description of Problem: Every time something causes chunks to be saved in my city (At least I think that's the cause. It seems to happen when somebody logs out, or when Essentials saves the world.) I get a massive wall of errors in the console. There doesn't seem to be any actual issues caused ingame, but an error is an error, and it's making my console really hard to read. I get about 20 of these. I don't even think there are any chunkloaders, unless somebody put some down that I didn't see. Error Messages: Error Log: [2013-02-10 19:23] [ForgeModLoader] A TileEntity type any has throw an exception trying to write state. It will not persist. Report this to the mod author [2013-02-10 19:23] at aam.a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:189) [2013-02-10 19:23] at aam.a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:387) [2013-02-10 19:23] at any.b(TileEntity.java:109) [2013-02-10 19:23] java.lang.RuntimeException: class any is missing a mapping! This is a bug! [2013-02-10 19:23] at in.a(WorldServer.java:1044) [2013-02-10 19:23] at im.a(ChunkProviderServer.java:390) [2013-02-10 19:23] at im.b(ChunkProviderServer.java:313) [2013-02-10 19:23] at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:186) [2013-02-10 19:23] at org.bukkit.command.defaults.SaveCommand.execute(SaveCommand.java:30) [2013-02-10 19:23] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftWorld.save(CraftWorld.java:721) [2013-02-10 19:23] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:344) [2013-02-10 19:23] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:53) [2013-02-10 19:23] at com.earth2me.essentials.Backup.run(Backup.java:66) [2013-02-10 19:23] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:525) [2013-02-10 19:23] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:793) [2013-02-10 19:23] at ho.r(DedicatedServer.java:301) [2013-02-10 19:23] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:835)
  19. Because my problem isn't with PEX, MCPC, or GroupManager. It's with NEI being derpy. Prior to Tekkit Lite, NEI worked fine without op. Hell, I was using NEI on a CC + RP2 server not 2 weeks ago without op to spawn items and it worked.
  20. You don't need a server! Hamachi doesn't magically make minecraft servers appear out of thin air, it's still running on your computer. It's just a way of connecting to it. A very terrible way. TehGrumpyGamer: The reason I won't give him a straight answer is because I don't like helping people who have no clue what they're doing and expect us to do all the thinking for them. If he doesn't know what he's doing, he'll be back in 5 seconds with some new problem that he'll want help with. When he should just be using google and helping himself. 5 seconds of googling produced this gem: There are plenty more where that came from. How long did it take to get an answer here? A lot longer than 5 seconds.
  21. No. You don't need to use Hamachi. Please don't use Hamachi. Every time somebody uses Hamachi for a Minecraft server, a puppy dies. Google it, seriously. There are hundreds of guides for setting up a minecraft server, and thousands on how to port forward.
  22. Step 1: Google. Step 2: Google some more. No, seriously. If you "don't know anything of it" you'll be spending a lot of time on google, and all the questions you have are already there.
  23. BukkitForge is garbage, I'm using MCPC+. With EssentialsChat and PEX, prefixes are displayed twice, IE [Admin][Admin] D3matt.
  24. EssentialsChat interferes with the chat plugin that comes with PermissionsEx.
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