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Everything posted by D3matt

  1. Did you set flying enabled in server.properties?
  2. I'm having this problem too, actually. I set it to cheat mode, but when I click an item it behaves as if I was just in Recipe mode. Right-click results in a momentary client freeze. I am not an Op, but I do have item spawn permissions using PermissionsEx. I also don't see the utility buttons either. If I op myself it works, but I don't want to op myself because it messes with the color of my name. NEI did not used to care if you were opped or not, it would try the command regardless. Did this change?
  3. Then OptiFine should be improved to auto-detect a system and be able to change it in config, instead of having 4 different versions.
  4. Excellent write-up, I will definitely have to look into this for my server. One question I have, though, is... How can people using unmodified Tekkit Lite (Which I believe is 1.4.6?) join a server running MCPC+ (Which is 1.4.7)? And, would you recommend MCPC+ over BukkitForge? I haven't use BukktiForge myself, but I've played on servers using it, and it seems to be an atrocious failure.
  5. I've never had issues with my WRT54G except for the web interface getting corrupted sometimes, which eventually fixes itself. 10mbit is almost way more than enough for a 15-slot. 10mbit should be able to host at least 30. I can host 20 on 4.2mbit with limited lag (on vanilla. All bets are off for technic)
  6. Local Area means inside the same house.
  7. 10mpbs isn't unusual with a 50mpbs plan. Upload (in my experience) is generally around 1/5th of download. I get 25-30 down and a steady 4.2 up.
  8. Less talking, more setting up a minecraft server! Go! Try it!
  9. Well, first I would host it yourself on a spare computer (or on your desktop if you have no other choice. Don't use a laptop) to see what you can expect. See how many friends will actually be on at once, what kind of plugins you want, what kind of problems you might run into. You may just decide it's not for you. If you decide you want to continue with it, then obviously a rented solution is "better", but the question is how much money how are you looking to spend?
  10. Why not just disable crafting of the item? Or disable use of the item? Why do you need to specifically disable HOLDING the item?
  11. I'd go for the best you can get. It's cheaper to pay more initially than to pay a little less initially and pay again to upgrade later.
  12. Well then it doesn't really matter what you do in your VM. You can assign it to a certain virtual processor, but you'll still be running on whichever processor the hypervisor shuffles you to. Unless somebody with more experience with OpenVZ can come up with something, their only option is to either just trust the hypervisor to balance the load, or use a better hypervisor. I'm guessing since they're using a free hypervisor that they're a fairly small company?
  13. If each host is assigned dedicated cores, what's the problem? Or do they just assign the number of cores and not the actual core affinity? I learned virtualization on Hpyer-V and vSphere, so I kind of just assumed processor affinity was a "standard" feature of server virtualization software.
  14. I take it they're not using VMWare, then.
  15. Do you know if those run as a service or as a desktop app? Preferably any software I use will be able to run as a service. Also, we're looking for somebody to be more promotion and community-oriented to help design the public appearance of the server to help it really take off. Chances are if the server does take off, we'll move to a VPS with creeperhost or similar.
  16. Schools and business have all of their machines in AD so even if you can see them, there's little you can do. Most businesses also use VLANs and seperate domains for their sensitive devices. Neither of these works for me because I don't have a VLAN-capable network, and not all of the computers on my network are in an AD. I didn't just glaze over the whole unix thing. It's an option I'm considering. I'm also looking at several different minecraft control panels that don't require desktop access.
  17. Get 10 players on the server at the same time and then you can talk about bandwidth. Until then, I don't see any other hosts stepping forward. FTP is not an issue. Console access is the hard part, but I have a few different solutions I'm looking at, none of which requires actually logging in to the host OS. @Djinni: Even with AD, there's little you can do to restrict what users can do from remote desktop. Windows isn't designed to accommodate untrusted users logging in remotely. If minecraft was a powershell app, maybe, but it isn't. As for Chrome Remote Desktop... It's Chrome. That alone is enough to stay the hell away.
  18. Wow! I wasn't expecting to see so much interest. I guess I'd better work out how to give you guys access to my minecraft server and not the rest of my network (easier said than done without a VLAN-capable network...). Suggestions, anybody? The server is running on a windows domain-joined VM right now, I could move it to linux if I really needed to but I know almost nothing about linux. I will probably end up just giving you guys ingame admin privvies, at least for now. I used to use a nifty program called YAMS that was integrated with Windows Services and let you log in to console and such remotely, but I developed some issues with it on my old server. Maybe I'll try that again. I speak a very tiny bit of spanish. Otherwise my native and only language is english. And computer geek, because that's a language all to itself :P
  19. I have a tekkit server running on my vSphere box that's been pretty abandoned for a while. Perhaps if you can find another person we could do something with that. I don't think I can support 50 players at once, but I can do 10 pretty well on my bandwidth. RAM is a non-issue. 2-3 hours should be doable for me for me as well.
  20. You're going to have to deal with it most likely. Consider yourself lucky it was only your railcraft and seed that got corrupted and not vast portions of your map. To be honest I'll be amazed if you don't find SOME amount of chunk corruption.
  21. I'm not gonna lie, I laughed really hard at you, allmightskippy. 1) He asked about a hosted server. 2) Minecraft server (and sever apps in generally) make absolutely no use of graphics processing whatsoever. 3) WTF? Back on topic, I'd say 5-6GB would be good, but at that size of server CPU becomes more of an issue than anything. Remember, minecraft is almost entirely single-threaded, so it doesn't really matter if they have a single quad-core xeon or 4x 6-core xeons, you're more concerned with speed. Unfortunately I've never run a server that large, and I've never run a server on a current-generation Xeon, so I can't really give a good ballpark with that. The best you can get is all I can really advise you. Assuming you're running a VPS, I'd as for just 2 cores allocated to save money, you really can't take advantage of anything more than that unless you're running multiple servers. Maybe 3 cores if you plan on hosting additional applications like teamspeak and a website.
  22. Er... That's not QUITE what I was saying, but sure. I'm actually extremely surprised you got tekkit to run with a 0.7Ghz processor at all. Although, there may be something with the host's allocations where it's actually just allocating 2.8Ghz split up however you use it in a maximum of 4 cores, I know processor allocation is a little bit fuzzy in VMWare, though I don't know how "fuzzy" it is in other hosts. (But there's a pretty good chance most commercial VPSes use VMWare in some form or another). I run a tekkit server on a windows 2003 box with 2x2.4GHz single-core xeons and it uses up a good 50% of both cores, at about a 70/30 distribution between threads. Which is very odd because Tekkit isn't supposed to be multithreaded...
  23. You shouldn't need 2 separate boxes for that. Tekkit only uses one main thread, so running two servers at the same won't be competing for processor time.
  24. How fast is the processor? 4 cores means nothing if they're 1.86Ghz each. A slower quad-core will utterly collapse under 30 players all running a base full of machines. E: Never mind, I'm an idiot.
  25. Dude, seriously? At least read before bumping a 2-month-old thread. The position is filled.
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