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Everything posted by planetguy

  1. Thanks for the error log, sorry for the crash. I've gotten it working without a problem on a server, but it may be leaking client code (which would show up as some minor inefficiency).
  2. For a school project, I made a demonstration of PID controllers. It's kind of primitive, but here it is. (Mostly-up-to-date source code here.) When you start it, it creates three windows (since I didn't know how to get everything into one window). The biggest window is the graph. The blue line is the target value, the red line is the controller's output. The green lines (if there are any) are the distance the controller can be pushed by the random noise selected. The straight red line at the bottom is the zero mark, and the red line across the middle is the controller's output. To the right is the help window. It has a list of the parameters that can be changed, and next to each one is a short description of what it does. Note that the "historyLength" parameter is ignored. To the bottom of the graph is the input window. Commands are entered in the form <parameter>=<value>, where parameter is one of the things named in the help window, and value is a (possibly decimal) number. For example, to set the proportional term to 0.9 I would type "p=0.9" and hit enter to run it.
  3. Wrote a simulation of a PID controller for a school project. Programming is awesome.

    1. TheBytemaster


      Care to make a thread to elaborate/showcase? this sounds interesting.

    2. planetguy


      Done. Check the off-topic section.

    3. Ysharma


      The turtles shall utilize this as a weapon to drive fear into our enemies.

  4. This sounds really cool and I want to help make it happen. I can help with some programming. I'm moderately knowledgeable about Forge and have used Bukkit a bit.
  5. Thaumcraft doesn't fit the theme of Hexxit. In Hexxit you advance by raiding dungeons for loot, but in Thaumcraft you advance by spending your items on research.
  6. I'd rather have the system be completely up to the admins to define the skill trees - what if I want an "electrician" skill for my high-tech server? Or an "undead hunter" skill, that only gets increased by killing skeletons and zombies? Or something related to a completely new mechanic introduced by some mod? I'd imagine a fully modular system being split into experience triggers and perks, with configuration telling what skill each is associated with and how much XP it provides or requires. XP triggers would be things like breaking certain blocks, killing mobs, using items, or anything else for that matter - you might even be able to see some of the stuff from MC's own stats system. Perks would let you do more things, like mine better ores, craft items more efficiently, use more things, or deal more damage with each hit. For example, in your default configs the farming skill might have breaking tall grass as a small-scale XP trigger, crafting a hoe and harvesting crops as a more beneficial trigger, and as a perk let you sneak-click crops to make them grow faster and plant and harvest more different kinds of crop.
  7. I'll see what I can do about FMP support. I'm pretty sure there's not any support for combining FMP parts and carriages as-is, the decoration system is custom. Moving to FMP will break compatibility with existing carriage blocks, so it'll have to be maintained separately from the vanilla-based version. In other news, the 1.7 port is starting to work. It partially moves blocks, but it duplicates them, kicks the player twice in the process and crashes the game at the end, and all the block items are invisible.
  8. Probably not, since this is the first time I've heard of it. How would I go about replicating this? A screenshot would be very helpful, since just moving an AE system worked for me.
  9. You transmute oranges into lemons by touching them. Your next glass of orange juice is an unpleasant surprise. I wish there were more moderators on these forums, to control the influx of clueless people.
  10. The first step is to understand basic Java syntax. If you can't read what I'd recommend using Eclipse for first-timers, since it has nice code-completion and error highlighting, and Forge supports it right out of the box. If you're working with Minecraft 1.7, a decompiler will be immeasurably helpful in unlocking a whole game full of examples. I use JD-Eclipse but it is messy to install on Windows. You can also try JAD's Eclipse plugin. Look at examples. Powercrystals Core and MFR are good, Mekanism is good, my mod Gizmos is OK-ish, CoFH Lib is useful. There are tons of open-source mods out there, try some. Mess around with Minecraft. Check the Forge wiki for the basics of how to create a block from Forge, copy in a vanilla block, and make it your own with some interesting changes. That's how the first parts of Gizmos started out, with the gravity bomb: I combined code from sand and TNT.
  11. Your credit card has a balance of infinity, which causes an integer overflow bug when your card is credited for something you returned. Your card now has a balance of negative infinity. I wish I would get off these forums and do my homework.
  12. The Australian government steals it while you're asleep and you're never seen again. I wish for any string of characters to be valid, meaningful English.
  13. An infinitely-skilled medic follows you around, to ensure you don't die. Unfortunately for you, he's very lazy and doesn't let you do anything that could cause you to get hurt (in other words, he doesn't let you do anything). I wish I had a supercomputer.
  14. The snowman is "net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntitySnowman".
  15. The easy way out would be to remove Morph from the server. You could also allow players to remove snow with a plugin. The best solution would be to bug iChun to respect Bukkit protections, but you would have to wait on him to write it, and the AotBT devs to adopt it.
  16. Looks like a problem with Better Dungeons. Show the error log to its developer.
  17. EE3 provides EMC values for items, but as far as I know there's nothing that uses the EMC values.
  18. That isn't the problem. He already has MCPC+ for 1.6.4, but he doesn't have the libraries.
  19. This is probably because the server host is double-clicking the server jar, not using a script or command line. A Google search will tell them instructions on how to use a script.
  20. That'd do it. (Is BukkitForge even up-to-date anymore?)
  21. If you don't have the libs from a working MCPC+ server, you can grab them here.
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