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planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Alright that's it.
Ain't nobody topping this.
In fact you could say.
That it's
Number one.
Factorio .15 is coming really soon and looking really good on the performance end, so even those with toasters should be able to join, and my core2duo server should be able to run it well. -> https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-185
We've also upgraded our internet to a wired connection. It has a tiny bit less burst upload speed, but on the plus side it has waaaaay better reliability, so no more random drops like when we had that tekkit legends server way back when. I look forward to playing with y'all when it comes out, it's gonna be great. I'll also likely invite some nerds normal attractive people I've met over from Netrunner land, so there'll be more than enough activity to make things interesting.
For those who didn't get the reference in the video:
How's everybody's schooling going? (Where applicable.)
I've actually started tutoring in my university as a part time gig.
planetguy reacted to Melfice in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Fucking amazing.
It's got some minor niggles, but they're of the kind you work around.
Like, you can't use your eyes to look around very well. If it's in the corner of your eye, you need to move your head to look at it.
But it's so damned cool to just walk around and "touch" things.
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Turns out my personally most common and rattling nightmare is also one of the most realistic; Walking up to my computer only to discover that it's been hijacked for heaven-knows-how-long and is being remotely accessed.
Factorio 0.15 update is taking longer than I thought, but it looks amazing and is nearly here. Lots of new stuff and tons of optimizations. As soon as it's released I'll put up a server.
planetguy reacted to Kocken926 in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Great for a quick lesson in statistics when someone starts posting graphs on facebook and claiming causation
planetguy reacted to Melfice in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Just had a fairly hilarious occurrence in Rome: Total War's Grand Campaign.
I'm at war with the Greeks, and they'd approached me to broker for peace. The requested a ceasefire, and demanded I gave back Syracuse which I'd taken from them a few turns earlier.
Not wanting to do that, obviously, I made a counter-offer. A ceasefire, but they give me Thermon. I did that knowing they wouldn't go for it, we'll go another few years of war, I utterly trounce them, et cetera.
They went for it. Of course, now I have a town that's completely isolated and will likely fall within the year, especially as it's surrounded by quite some troops. But I own Thermon.
Moral of this story: Do everything you can with as much arrogance as possible. It pays off. (don't listen to that)
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Remember spirographs? Those little gear thingies you could make swirly shapes with?
Behold: http://nathanfriend.io/inspirograph/
You're welcome.
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
I've gone full nerd now, haven't I?
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
I merely adapted the Ugg life.
Cheap is the Ugg life incarnate. His very breath gives life to the dreams of Ugg Boots everywhere.
He is unstoppable. He is...
the Uggernaut.
planetguy got a reaction from Kocken926 in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Exactly, it drives me postal!
Congratulations on the new PC, Melfice. It looks like a solid build.
Mooseman9, I'm eyeing an RX 480 - how is it?
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Looks like Zen might just be AMD's ticket back to CPU relevancy.
Obviously this is a cherry-picked benchmark, but if they can get within spitting distance of high-end Intel and don't completely futz the pricing, I think they'll have a winner on their hands.
Also, apparently the American DoJ has finally realized commercial prisons are a terrible idea. Finally.
EDIT: Someone should make a cringy teenage version of Winrar and call it WinrawrXD
planetguy got a reaction from Vox De Harlequin in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
I'll second the suggestion for Hacker's Keyboard. I used it for a while, until I got sick of soft keyboards altogether. Now I use a laptop or desktop.
planetguy reacted to Soupa in Tekkit (fan?) Art
I got a 4.0 in Human genetics and also did these for my final project in color and design
here is Animewasamistake, part 1,2,3, and 4
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Must resist urge to write sprawling fan-fiction.
Must...resist... ahh screw it.
You were captain and robotic operator of the heavily shielded defensive Golem-class starship Wunderschnee. Near the end of the void-clearing chapter of the story, the Wundershnee was lost along with the ultra-heavy-destroyer S.S. Mataroyale in a queen's-sacrifice gambit.
However, we were able to salvage the massive shield generator from the ship before sending it off to be destroyed. With it, a new ship was constructed for you to pilot. The Needle-class Starpiercer was created using that generator. The ship was designed as an extremely fast ramming ship, traveling along at near the speed of light, but not above it, so as not to trip warp-drive detectors. The shield generator was only able to be powered by the small ship for fragments of a second at a time, but that's all the time that was needed to pierce all but the heaviest armor. The ship would generate the needed energy by setting off a massive anti-matter reaction in its wake as it approached the target.
Similarly, the S.S. Mataroyale had its heavy main cannons removed before being destroyed. They were fixed to a new small ship, the Novabreach, using hyperspace tech, allowing it to maintain a low profile until its massive-caliber cannons were needed. This trick lead to the demise of more than a few otherwise formidable ships.
Okay, now I just want to keep writing this.
planetguy reacted to Valkon in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
And so began the writing of the modern epic, Dreams of the Byte Master: A Technic Forums Space Opera.
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
So, just had this rather coherent dream for once as opposed to the usual mishmash of characters, nonsense dialogue, and 80’s CGI Hollywood effects, so I thought I’d share. Plus I can’t sleep any more now anyways.
So, here I was, just chilling out, enjoying playing muh video games, (particularly some sort of fusion of EVE Online, Warframe, and Starmade. It actually seemed like a really cool game.), when for no good reason, I became the target of a good-old-fashioned public internet hate-mob. The reason I had become public enemy no. 1 is because apparently some Mexican father had tried to contact me about helping his obese son to exercise and become healthy. I never saw his message, and apparently that translated into some sort of unforgivable sin against humanity. (shrugs)
So anyways, I started being attacked randomly inside said game, (my existence in which was also somehow tied to my ability to listen to Spotify???). First rando or two, I handily blew up, leaving naught but fragments of spaceship and angry-yet-defenseless people. After that, it started to get overwhelming.
And then the cavalry arrived. ALL of you guys swooped in, saved my butt multiple times, and we, coordinated via Skype, commenced obliterating noobs and skilled-yet-uncoordinated players alike with extreme prejudice. Lazers flew, bombs whiffed, ships were boarded and Warframes bit the floor. A massive horde of random people were bitterly defeated before the awesome might of our ragtag fleet of ships and crew. After clearing a massive buffer zone around the area of space where I usually was, which apparently no new ships could spawn in, we were enjoying a victory party. We had a pool barbecue. (But in SPACE, so cooler I guess.)
When SUDDENLY, we were all teleported into the depths of a massive, and very hostile, enemy mothership/planetoid/thing™. Our escape was epic, and, after judicious use of short-range teleportation techniques to drop missile and laser turret locks, we escaped back into open space. (and got to watch the massive ship explode death-star style for some reason, that was cool too.)
After that I guess some pop star must have died again or something, because the public stopped seeming to care about me and everyone went on with their lives. The massive void in the space game we cleared out remained as a testament to what had happened.
Real world damage to me consisted entirely of two amusingly benign and delicious vanilla cakes being delivered to my doorstep, already paid for. (I guess this was a very amateur internet hate mob???)
Overall, 8/10, still a better love story than Twilight, would buy again.
planetguy reacted to Kocken926 in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
I'd at least swap out the i7 for an i5, very few games can actually make real use of the i7. Either way, I'd recommend waiting for the new generation of GPUs to come out before buying anything.
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Today's miniature shenanigan, brought to you by Ysharma and I:
EDIT: Hoo boy, legit ID theft spam. Sample information and all. That's quite a change from the usual nonsense black magic antics.
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
I can't tell if I want this or if I just want to watch other people play it.
planetguy reacted to Kocken926 in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Heh. History of the kitty jail.
OBS: The forum used to change the picture of banned members to a picture of a kitten behind bars, with the words "kitty jail".
A user made a post with a picture of her cat in a box titled "Kitty Jail" as an inside joke. That was 3-4 years ago. The thread promptly got derailed, and the mods decided that they might as well let people derail the crap out of that specific thread so they'd stop derailing other thread. We reached some 900 pages before the original thread was lost, and now we're on Kitty Jail 2 instead.
Some kind of weird ever-changing community evolved from this mess, but I'm not quite sure how to describe it.
EDIT: Turns out Waybackmachine had some pages saved . Aaah, nostalgia.
planetguy reacted to TheBytemaster in Kitty Jail 2: You Can (not) Escape
Uhh, let me go look at that.
Whoops, sorry about that, fixed now.