Specific Almond
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Everything posted by Specific Almond
Is there a Tekkit 3 Changelist?
Specific Almond replied to wtfberserk's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Also a lot of servers ban EE straight out. So having a chest option of that size, regardless of price is great. -
Re: Cant connect luminator to power? Lumars are from Industrialcraft, and require Industrialcraft EU. You are connecting them to Redpower solar panels and wiring.
Why was Forestry removed in 3.0.3?
Specific Almond replied to Atreties's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
http://www.technicpack.net/a-note-on-forestry/ -
With them you wont need to relocate your base hopefully, just place down some of the torches where you don't want them to be. It will keep all mobs from getting close to you.
I am currently creating one and the easiest way I found to add in all the mod support was to start with a texture pack that offers the majority of the mods already supported. Then edit directly over the top of that one. Sphax is a good one, because it includes most of the mods. Just edit that.
Does your server allow EE cause interdiction torches would help out a lot. Slimes can only spawn in the slime chunks but that probably doesn't stop them moving out of the boundaries, It has probably come at you through a cavern and if you close it off they should stop coming. As for the glitchy slime, Its pretty common for mobs in SMP to glitch out like that, especially when they are confined to a small space as that slime is. Try restarting your client, or just leaving it for a while, it should despawn on its own eventually if you cant hit it. You just wait until you fight creepers that refuse to be hit.
How to disable Mods for my players in Tekkit?
Specific Almond replied to Atreties's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
They either A: Love looking at wikis. And don't want to be able to conveniently view recipes in game. B: Hates everyone on their server C: Wants the chat to be filled with 'how does i craft X item plz' NEI is locked to recipe mode for regular players. they can only view recipes and uses in it. Not spawn items. -
It has been out around 36 hours. Bugs have arisen, and haven't been fixed yet. Old bugs that are posted that didn't get resolved may infact not be to do with the technic/tekkit pack at all. Vanilla minecraft is buggy too, Also people are really bad at reading stickies so their problems have probably been solved before. Seriously though. If you feel like compiling a list of all the bugs you find then submit a proper bug report for them. Thats the best way you can help.
OP got their question answered. Pretty sure there's no need to start the 31,289th thread about forestry.
My proposal is we make a list of people who post in the wrong section. If you have bugs, submit them, or post this idea in the Tekkit bug board?
Is there a Tekkit 3 Changelist?
Specific Almond replied to wtfberserk's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Few things, Iron Chests are extremely useful. The highest tier provide more storage space than an alchemical chest, especially handy on servers that ban EE Balkons, you could NOT kill someone wearing full quantum OR nano. These armors hold a charge which is drained instead of durability. As long as they weren't drained it would take a ridiculous amount of time and bullets to kill someone in them. CT3 is also very handy because without the dupe glitch servers will no longer ban them. Don't even ask about forestry. If you want to know there are countless threads here on these forums explaining the whole situation. It does not need to be brought up again. All that you really need to know, is its not here and if you want easy farms you better learn Redpower. Quantum does not = creative at all. you cant spawn in items with quantum suits can you? You cant fly with quantum can you? You cant instant break any blocks with quantum etc. It makes you invulnerable as long as you keep it charged, that is the only similarity. And OP, basically the second post summed it up. A few mod changes, and they have all updated with new features. And with 1.2.5 comes the increased build height and a host of new features from vanilla, climbable vines, new chat features, different planks, the list goes on and is available on the minecraft wiki if you want to see, but there has been a lot of vanilla changes between 1.1 and 1.2.5 -
Open your minimap options and turn on show slime chunks. They only spawn in the colored chunks. Your best option if you aren't developed is to move. If you are developed, you may consider a tesla coil. They are fairly heavy on the EU but they will pretty effectively kill any mob. There is no 'slime repellent' but if the server you play on allows EE you could use interdiction torches to keep them away from areas you work in. If you have posted this in the wrong section and you are actually playing technic not tekkit, then go into your mo creatures options and turn off slime spawns, also there is an option to be able to change vanilla spawns that you must also change. The mo creatures options is in your esc menu in game. (I dont play technic so my instructions are vague. but you should be able to figure it out pretty easy.)
IMO, anything that could even remotely be classed as copied, or even taken precedent from something else, RedPower does better. At first I disliked RP and used BC because it was easier. Once I learned more about RP I found that it was indeed much better for me. Chickenbones cops just as much as Eloraam because of NEI and the new wireless redstone, both of which IMO also do it better than the 'copied' mod. If people are upset, it is probably because there is now another mod that is better than theirs by being more efficiently coded, functioning better,is more compatible, has more features, is easier to use etc.
What are the crops used for?
Specific Almond replied to oPeanutButter's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Close, till 3 squares of earth in a row, make sure they are hydrated. Put crops on the two end ones, plant any seeds you have on them, most will work, then place a crop in the center block twice. It will look like a cross of sticks. Now a cross bread will grow in the middle cross crop. It has a chance to be weed so watch out. Farming is fairly complex so reading through the IC2 forum or watching youtube vids are your best bet. Like TC a lot of the mechanics are deliberately left secret so you have to figure it out for yourself :-/ -
Im gonna go out on a limb and say that if you download it repeatedly it won't fix itself. My guess is you are playing on the dev build of Tekkit. When the update window popped up did you say yes? if so then you shouldn't have. Make sure you are running the rec build.
Na man, he's actually really good. They spelled 4/8 words correctly (I'm not gonna include 'jamflex' as a real word, whatever that is.) Good to hear that they are God.
Okay so I guess no one's touched on this yet,
Specific Almond replied to heshtur's question in Tekkit Classic
This will probably help Its a mod spotlight on the new Redpower, specifically about the computers edit:^^^this is that video -
Congratulations, this is the lowest effort rule breaking post i've ever seen. "No asking for ETA's - We are tired of these questions. Updates depend on lots of different things and they happen when they happen." Basically, wait. No-one, not even Kaker can tell when it will be here.
I cant help you with anything other than experience, and that is, when you are updating technic or going between versions, I find I almost always have to clear the cache, or delete my technicssp folder in .techniclauncher. I jump between versions a lot and every time I dont do this, I get various issues. If its anything more technical I cant help, but i'm guessing this is the issue because you said you are trying to download the latest technicssp.
trying to teleport lava buckets
Specific Almond replied to kreepergrimms's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Assuming you mean just pumping lava, not making it, just go lava-pump-teleport pipe- -teleport pipe-tank. Haven't done it personally but i've seen it done. -
im a idiot and big fancy words don't help
Specific Almond replied to DakuTatsu's question in Technic Launcher
donz worri guy i made u a videa of how to fiks uor teknchic class insallere filez problerms. fiksed -
Unable to craft Rotary Macerator
Specific Almond replied to MrCheezle's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
My guess is you have an up to date client, And the server is v 2 not 2.1.1 (the newest) Because all the advanced IC2 machines were added in this update or 2.1 cant remember. Check your server. Can you build singularity compressors or solar arrays? they came in the same update (pretty sure) Also I hear that posting the same thing twice gives you twice as much help from twice as many people keen to help. (doesnt)