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Everything posted by TheSpoonyOne

  1. I would read the rules nick, you broke a rule in this post. Can you find it? Before a mod does...
  2. You have to make a UDP (I think its called) port also, either make 2 different ports with TCP and UDP or make one with "Both" or "TCP/UDP" obviously setting your port range to 25565 - 25585
  3. I wouldn't do that, you will lose a large player base doing that. Also, All I did was re-upload the file, its not in anyway "my file." Its from this post. lol
  4. Don't allow players online, Start the server, clear config, reload, allow players back online. It will only delete Online player inventories
  5. I have no idea man, I have been running my server for a little short of a year now, and this is the tubestuff I use on my server...soo
  6. I RE-UPLOADED the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kpp57lxhkwqxnrh/tubestuff_49.1.2_for_1.2.5-bukkit.jar
  7. Ok, I see now. I'll re-upload. Here it is, btw this is just a re-upload. I didn't edit this file at all. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kpp57lxhkwqxnrh/tubestuff_49.1.2_for_1.2.5-bukkit.jar
  8. There is a link....download it, Change it with the old one. It is a fix *facepalm* Edit: Notice the Mods glee when I posted the link to the fix...kinda a big hint the fix is there. Just read the post, and you will see it :D
  9. I take my statement back, for some reason I was getting confused on the topic, if you use the correct version of CB++ FML (Build 75 as you know) it runs like a champ. Anyway, do as he says, TekkitRestrict stops almost (if not all) dupe bugs with EE, including the infamous RM Furnace Glitch and Transmutation Tablet Glitch. DO NOT GET VERSION 1.0! Stick with "TekkitRestrict 0.95 Release-2 [stable]" I would post a link, but im not 100% sure if its against the rules. (Use TekkitCustomizer to Ban Items, it can scan inventories )
  10. Don't use CraftBukkit++, I have no idea why people do this, its not meant to be ran with tekkit. It is the reason your crashing, trust me. Grab the old jar from a fresh download off technicpack.com and you should be set. Also, not sure if you are but, don't use TekkitRestrict Plugin, the newer versions have a new chunk loader "editor" (for lack of a better word) that with out Fine tuning, just crashes the server. Use TekkitCustomizer, if you want to follow my advice. Btw, im not just talking here, I own a server that gets 30+ players online average, im speaking from my experience, and the mistakes I have made in the past.
  11. Well, your right? But I also don't see what you are getting at...CoreProtect is the closes I have seen...that's all I was saying.
  12. There isn't a real problem with CoreProtect, some blocks just can't be rolledback...
  13. Never Offer Money, just post that you need help. There are a million people on these forums that will help you for free (Send me a pm if you need anything)
  14. Oh, signature. Might want to remove that...readtherules
  15. If you have essentials, check the amount of entities In the world. Could be a machine spitting drops onto the ground. (Commands /gc and /remove items [radius])
  16. CoreProtect is your best option. Still not perfect (pretty damn close tho)
  17. I do, I also am pretty good with Java Development, and that always comes in handy Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. BTW I own "New World Servers" :P
  18. I would love to help out, you seem like you really want to get your server ready for the public and are not just another group of kids over their heads. I own "New World Servers" and you can trust that I am just here to help. Check out my site, for proof that is http://www.newworldservers.net If you need me, message me there or here on the site. If you find someone with more experience(good luck >:Plol) I wish you luck with your server :)
  19. Can't wait to see what "witty" comment a mod has for this :3 I love seeing that they have to say about people who can't follow rules :P
  20. Plugin Name: Factions (Beta 1.7.5) BukkitDev Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/factions/ Description: A "Guild" plugin that allows for players to make area guarded bases on a number of factors such as, Amount of Members (In the Faction), Power (You Die = Lower Power) and much more! Players fight to become the top faction! Recommend ONLY for PvP/Raiding/Griefing! Tekkit Compatibility: *New Line* Tekkit doesn't like any other version of Factions. You must use 1.7.5 Beta. 1.7.5 Beta is about the same but with commands changed and others taken out (f chat being one D:). Factions DOESN'T by default allow Mods to Edit Terrain/Work in the guarded areas, but this is a simple fix. Replace this link in the config ("playersWhoBypassAllProtection": []) to ("playersWhoBypassAllProtection": ["[buildCraft]", "[industralCraft]", "[RedPower]", "[ComputerCraft]"]) LEAVE OUT THE "()"
  21. Sorry for the Double Post I fixed the Issue, this is tank! :3
  22. So I'm guessing this just doesn't work anymore, i used it and it did nothing... Using GM
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