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Everything posted by holymage!

  1. this will explain everything to that problem (you can stop at 9:37ish)
  2. meh...we were all talking about this over in the kitty jail....
  3. run it in compatibility mode? (like windows 7/xp)
  4. does the launcher even support windows 8?
  5. should i post any of viv's werid images here?
  6. :derp: i think this is my new favorite smile
  7. i should have switched 2 words around :derp: :derp:
  8. it wasn't the intent....it was just something i made out of boredom...
  9. i made this in about 5 seconds....i was bored....
  10. omg...teknics teams is lame and chnge muh links....wtf u sux guzs
  11. here is a link for manual download >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Link!!!1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  12. OMG really? i canz..i wuz bout 2 thik dat i wud hav 2 mak muh own pack....lik manually get da mods and suh
  13. omg now i can't log in with my (pirated) account plz help me
  14. lighting will always strike were it has the shortest route to the ground, if you make a really tall thing that would knock out the unpredictability you do however have a point in the unreliable part, but you don't store all your eggs in one basket right?
  15. Geothermal. works in minecraft why wouldn't it work here? we also got warded blocks right? just make a reactor encased with the stuff. EDIT: why not use lighting...with lighting rods...you would just need a big freaking cable to transmit that energy and make a storage container to keep it.
  16. i was under the understanding that the reason we have an atmosphere is because our magnetic poles deflect the comic radiation, which would otherwise erode the atmosphere. ergo...if you did what i said the atmosphere might develop over time and then you got a water cycle...then hand the reins to evolution.
  17. so make a GIGANTIC EM field...either that or we have to melt mars's core (i think its Solid iron, were ours is molten iron)
  18. i would use Gobal warming to my advantage and melt the ice caps, this would hopefully jumpstart a water cycle on mars...the next problem would be its lack of an electromagnetic field also, in order to get to mars, wouldn't we need to have some sort of shielding against cosmic radiation?
  19. i dunno about you guys....but i went from going "what did i just read?" to "omg this is funny!"
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