Age: 15
Minecraft name: aaron7990
What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): high tech
How often do you usually play?: about 1 to 2 hours a day
1: IGN? aaron7990
2: Reason For Joining? its a small server and it looks like it can have alot of pertanchel
3: Would You Ever Consider Donating? i am afriad not becasue i think is another way to steal money
4: Have You Voted At ? yes
Whitelist application
Minecraft name: aaron7990
Preffered mod: buildcraft
Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before? yes on vinala no on tekkit
Age: 15
Project you plan to build:everythink and anythink
Minecraft experience:about 2 years
Tekkit experience:about 1 year
Why you want to join the server:beacuse it is small quiet and looks like a good comuity
Minecraft Username: aaron7990
Tekkit Experience:about a year now
Ever been banned? not on tekkit but on minecraft
Why This server? because it is small and quiet
Additional Notes:i am dislexlic so i might spell a lot of things wrong
Whitelist Form :
IGN: aaron7990
Tekkit Exp: two mouths
What is your best Tekkit Skill? nucler/solar/i produce power
If you could add a rule at ZagCraft, which would you add? free phlosifer stone
Languages Spoken: English
Other: i am afraid to say i am 15 and my spelling is realy bad because of dislexsay