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About louiskw

  • Birthday 09/24/1997

louiskw's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Can you please paste your launch.bat file. If you're playing minecraft on the same computer the server is hosted on you will always see the server get affected by client lagg spikes. I would recommend hosting it on another computer if possible or even renting a server.
  2. This is useless, there are potentially thousands of possible problems. Are you using MCPC+ or BukkitForge? Are you using plugins? Can we see the server log? What mod can't you place blocks from?
  3. Your errors are coming from BukkitForge so I would recommend doing either one of two things: Try using a newer version of BukkitForge. OR Try running the server without BukkitForge and see if it starts up. If it works without BukkitForge use MCPC+ instead.
  4. Is it just me, or did the JAC gaming thread just vanish into thin air? I think you may have gotten a little justice, louis. Although, the JAC forums section of the server also seem to be having some problems...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. louiskw


      I'm not really sure what else Technic can do tbh. The move to ban Moon_Owl is certainly going to impact JAC though. The first image is the last reply to a conversation he started with me. It ends with 'I DO NOT GIVE TWO S***S ABOUT MINEMOD' and 'Its not going to bring that s*** community back'. The second image is his profile, which now displays the generic 'kitty jail' photo.

    3. Doomzzday01


      Ha! Nice. Hey, now that the thread is gone, I don't have a link to the MineMod page. Could you give me the URL?

    4. louiskw



  5. The space race begins.... http://minemod.org/index.php?threads/minemod-tekkit-space-race.725/
  6. Galacticcraft's getting a few new planet's I believe in the next version. Other than that we're open to any community suggestions, if you've got an idea feel free to put it forward on the forums.
  7. MineMod Tekkit | A New Dimension Ladies and gentlemen, we're pleased to announce that MineMod is opening a Tekkit server. Tekkit has been at our core for some time, we started up as a Tekkit server some eight months ago. In late 2012 we dropped the pack after support was left at 1.2.5 We are now confident that 'New' Tekkit will continue to bring you modded enjoyment from a well trusted community. Our new server is Grief/Raid, but with the added feature of Factions to help you colonise the world with your friends. Our staff are always mature and our hardware is located in Europe, professionally hosted in tier 3 and 4 data-centers. With admins around 24/7 we're confident our uptime will satisfy your gaming needs. Server IP: tekkit.minemod.org Website: www.minemod.org Twitter: @MineModEnt MineMod's New Tekkit Trailer We've disabled Dimensional doors and Mystcraft for now. They both add unreasonable strain on the server. MineMod was founded in July 2012. Since then we've grown to the point where we now supply The Official Servers to both the Voltz pack on Technic and the Ampz pack on FTB. We also support Mindcrack and are always investing in new and interesting projects.
  8. | Quick Links | smp2.minemod.org | Official Passive Server smp3.minemod.org | Official Grief Raid Server ts.minemod.org:50275 | Teamspeak Server mumble.minemod.org:50798 | Mumble Server twitch.tv/minemodtv | Our Livestream twitter.com/minemodent| Our Twitter minemod.org | Website and Forums | Server Information | We run the Official Servers for the Universal Electricity/Voltz mod pack, obtainable from the Technic and Feed-The-Beast launchers. The servers have the following mods installed: Basic Components Atomic Science Assembly Line Railcraft Electric Expansion Hawk's Machinery Mekanism MFFS On the Grief/Raid server ICBM is installed. It is not installed on the passive server. All the configs are the same as your client ones so you should be able to play 'out-of-the-box'. | Server Rules | Grief/Raid: Using hacked clients is not allowed. Using any mods not installed with the Universal Electricity pack are not allowed. No using see through texture packs or x-ray style texture packs. No excessive swearing in chat. (At the moderator's discretion) No glitch, spam killing. Including spawn/bed killing. No taking advantage of glitches in ANY way. Passive Server: Using hacked clients is not allowed. Using any mods not installed with the Universal Electricity pack are not allowed. No using see through texture packs or x-ray style texture packs. No excessive swearing in chat. (At the moderator's discretion) No PVP. No taking advantage of glitches in ANY way. No griefing or stealing. | Other Info | For proof that we are endorsed by the modders at UE, goto this page and scroll to the bottom.
  9. I'm pretty sure you're gonna need a new forge version
  10. That means the mod the item is from is not running
  11. Logic gates are coming so mattredsox tells me
  12. 130 players 6 gigs of ram i7 No lag
  13. Post changed
  14. If you get the server files from http://calclavia.com/ you don't need to unzip the jar file.
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