There is always a log. As soon as the launcher is opened and the program starts, a log is created.
Don't ask for help if you expect to receive it providing no useful information.
Did you read this?
Part of it says:
But I see you say it still doesn't work when you turn it off. Norton doesn't like being turned off, and often there's a part of it that either doesn't turn off, or is a different security program under Norton.
Update Failed! is almost always caused by your antivirus. Sometimes caused by a firewall. Infrequently caused by you having the wrong Java.
Give me some credit here. Do you honestly think I would be coming back to these forums to troll? What is the point of that? You already called yourself a noob, so why should I?
You don't know how to find out what Java you have, that's ok, most people don't if they've never looked.
You provided your processor type as well as your OS when asked for your OS. A bit of an overachiever are we?
You got your launcher version right, points for you.
You're using an antivirus that doesn't turn off.
You made a point to say that your updates fail in 2 of the modpacks. Good for you! You can see my confusion? You named specific modpacks, and never explicitly said "Minecraft never loaded up" or "The mojang screen never appeared". Easy mistake to make. Sorry to pull the string that unravels your universe.
Do you feel special now that I read and commented on all of the information you provided? Have I met your failing cunt muffin troll standards?
No name calling next time. That's rude.