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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Best response to anything I've seen today!
  2. I had a discussion with my brother in law this evening. He swears that not everything (that's mechanical/technological) has a button (switch/toggle/etc.) Anyone know of anything that doesn't have a button?
  3. See my post at the bottom of this thread.
  4. Apparently it's a Minecraft issue with their servers. I've been having the same problem for the last several hours. If it's an issue on that end, then why can I log in to the launcher at all?
  5. Rats, I didn't realize I was in Cafe Lame. I thought I was in Technic Launcher errors. Sorry! Edit: I've never actually needed to look in the Launcher sub group, at least not since the forum updated. Guess I should have check there first, since I don't seem to be the only one!
  6. I recently joined a server (white-list). When trying to log in to the server today I received these errors: "Disconnected by server, Failed to verify username" and "Connection lost, Failed to log in: bad log in". My understanding is that if it's a white-list error (removal from the list, or not added in the first place) then the error would show that I'm not on the white-list. I've cleared my cache and had not updated when I first began trying to log in. Any ideas why I would encounter these errors? Hopefully I can correct it on my end :)
  7. A friend sent me a picture on Facebook. "It's Before, not 'B4'. You speak English not bingo."
  8. I'm not going to write or call anyone. However, it says a lot about a company that does not correct simple mistakes. Last week I went to Verizon to purchase a new phone. I noticed on the counter a product for the iPhone. It displayed the iPhone as having an alarm to be snoozed at 5:20 AM. The time in the notification bar read 9:48 AM. I told the sales person that I was not planning on purchasing that item in the first place, but an error such as that one would dissuade me from purchasing it if I had planned on it. Companies ensure their product works before they put it on the market, correct? (Don't answer that, even I can list several that don't-it's the thought that counts) People should do the same with the way they present themselves to the world.
  9. That's what I was doing, I think minecraft was telling me to do something productive with my day. So I enjoyed the forums :)
  10. Well that is quite helpful! I tried replacing the file but it wasn't working. I wish it would work in Technic lol
  11. I've given up on this until my husband gets home-shortly. Beyond my scope of knowledge it is!
  12. This popped up in my Facebook news feed: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150938737831137&set=a.386827286136.157232.173503606136&type=1&theater So I went to: http://www.mojang.com/2012/06/the-weekly-chunk-office-snapshot/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialmedia&utm_term=&utm_content=office-snapshot&utm_campaign=wall-post And downloaded both the client and the server. A Java Exception error occurs when I try the client. The server won't let me close it now that I've tried opening it. Since the Yogscast got me into Technic, and Technic kept me interested in Minecraft (and the modders are just plain awesome) I figured I would ask this community as to how I may get the weekly chunk to work so I can check it out :)
  13. The icon had an 'e' in it when I originally downloaded it a few years ago, I've always found it amusing, so with every update I kept it around. Little things that bother my husband make amusements even better! He's a programmer by choice, and we always banter over correct spelling and grammar.
  14. I'm using Avast!, SUPERAntiSpyware, and MALEwarebytes and have never experienced this problem before. All of the permissions have stayed the same and I haven't received any updated for anything. /shrug Oh well
  15. I did nothing, and now 20 minutes after my first attempt at playing I am able to see the correct content on the launcher. Though I would still like to know what could cause it to happen :)
  16. I don't believe this is a bug, possibly just an error on my part, but I'd like to know what could cause my launcher to be unable to connect to minecraft.net Is the website down? Could it be an issue with my connection to minecraft.net? "Oh Noes! Our Tumblr Feed is Down!" is where the feed usually is. If anyone has had this happen before, I'd appreciate some guidance before starting my troubleshooting routine. If it helps, I'm running on 64-bit Windows 7.
  17. I agree, people get butthurt too easy. http://rulesoftheinternet.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Covers all issues ever pertaining to threads (that usually should be in the Whale Box).
  18. Also, porn is free. It's not usually good porn, but it's free. And has girls in it. And generally you can find anything you're looking for. I usually just pretend the world doesn't see me as a female on the internet (let alone one that plays PC games). Internet user is what I am, yes sir.
  19. I just find it entertaining :)
  20. Anyone with any respect for what is left of society would agree.
  21. Thanks! I like the kitty jail pic :)
  22. Sir or ma'am, you're rude.
  23. OP: Points for spelling Helen Keller wrong. Twice. Is the Kitty Jail pic the new banned pic?
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