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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Does your computer have that much RAM? You cannot allocate what you do not have.
  2. Use the search feature of the forum. A lot of people cannot connect. It is a problem with the minecraft servers.
  3. Make sure you are running the same build as your server!
  4. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/common-problems-and-solutions.10851/ Also if logs are too long, try using pastebin.
  5. Check the minecraft website. See if they posted something about it. Or, the game is telling you that you need to take a longer break from it? Or it ran away.
  6. 1. Are you running Win 7 32 or 64. The computer model is not needed for information about the operating system. 2. Are you running Java 6 or Java 7? I've had this problem before, usually means the server is running a different build than you are trying to connect with. Post the log please. If you cannot find the log, read the thread stickies to find out where it is. Also, please remember. 'i' BEFORE 'e', except after 'c'.
  7. Bold/italics/underlined items will be discussed. How?! And Latest of what? Also, trying reinstalling, might help. Honestly, MC and TP shouldn't be run on XP (let alone an HP laptop), it's going to have compatibility issues because of Java 6 restrictions (I believe) or just be slow. or..... Do you have Windows 3.1?
  8. An operating system is the thing that makes your computer turn on and work. Don't think too hard. Error message: the displayed message that appears when an error occurs. Log: READ THE STICKIES Edit: Technic Pack is a group of mods that will not kill you when you run them .Technic itself is not a mod. Please read the Technic FAQ's.
  9. 1. You need a log for any real help. 2. You probably ought to get an AV too. 3. Wrong section to post a TEKKIT problem.
  10. A. What is your operating system? B. Are you getting any error messages? C. Please post the log. If you cannot find these items in a reasonable time frame, please read the stickies.
  11. Silly auto correct! Silly Android!
  12. Hello Jadan, my best guess is sometime in the near future. Edit: awww shiz I missed it!
  13. Missed you in my thread fun today!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Xylord


      Oh, you're beautiful! I thought it was some star. Of course, there's no comparison with MY avatar. ;D (Oh the Irony)

    3. Ashzification


      Why thank you! And to be honest, seeing the blob is always a good indicator to many people (myself included) of a good (or at least entertaining) thread :)

    4. Xylord


      Heh, I have a few talents, and it's apparently one of them, I might as well share it with the others. I'm the kind of guy very generous with its (subtle) trolling. ;)

  14. What I got from it was that this problem occurred over a period of time. Also, we don't know if he has tried anything (such as reinstalling).
  15. You were correct before, I won't take any actual effort to hate him. I'll simply be displeased in his comprehension of the English language. Or you can just tell us what the problem is that you are having, using the aforementioned criteria of course.
  16. Leave the Alot out of this. Another genuine question for Speady: What exactly was the issue you were having in the first place? Please use the following things when answering: a. Spellcheck; b. Complete Sentences; c. Some semblance of structure/cohesion.
  17. Thanks Valkon! My apologies for my double post! :)
  18. If he's from the U.S. he is already halfway to China.
  19. Not sure if you saw that video, but there is no / to make it dance. The Alot has NO PLACE IN YOUR MISERY. It has never caused you any harm. My husband just said "Isn't there a minimum age to join the forum." I guess he didn't know, we're all 112.
  20. Speady, here is what I think your problem is, please correct me if I am wrong. At one point, you attempted to play Yogbox. It tried to update, and you clicked yes to the optional update. After that you entered a vanilla Minecraft world, and your mods were all deleted. Some mysterious 6 months passed and you attempted the same thing with Tekkit, but you did so by clicking the Technic button, but here you don't seem to have any issues at all! No, this is a failed attempt at a bug report.
  21. I give up. Pigs will never fly. Hell will never freeze.
  22. This
  23. I believe this sounds quite familiar... Valkon to the rescue!
  24. In order to receive a solution, we must first be able to comprehend the problem you are having.
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