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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Please read the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS thread stickied to the top of this forum. Try clearing your cache.
  2. Great bug report! But, this is not an actual bug, and it's certainly not a launcher bug. Try posting in the Tekkit Bug Boards, where solutions will be better geared toward Tekkit problems.
  3. Or, the same handful of us telling you to read the common problems and solutions thread :-P
  4. Read the stickies...
  5. I've just noticed SO many people having problems running with XP
  6. If you are having such a hard time getting the launcher to work, you need to post your own bug report. You have posted on so many threads, yet have not made your own bug report. If you do make your own, please, PLEASE include all of the information.

  7. Correct, we will simply make fun of the young'n.
  8. I did not post the solution for your problem. Do not PM me asking how to do it. Try using the search field of the forums and finding the answer yourself. Or just waiting until the person who posted the solution to see your question. Do not mistaken me for that person.
  9. I still don't know, but he isn't even a teenager yet, so we can't expect him to know either.
  10. Yay! To be honest, I'm using my phone, so I'm not looking at my launcher. If I had remembered that button I would have said clear the cache and force update!
  11. Also, don't sign your posts.
  12. Congrats on completing the best bug report I have seen in a very long time! My suggestion (it may seem repetitive) delete/uninstall both the launcher and Java. Restart your computer, reinstall them. (I don't know why, but a good computer restart seems to help me often when I have to reinstall some things). Try to run the world. If the error comes up again, try disabling one of the mods in the exception. Usually a good reinstall helps...
  13. How much memory does your computer have?
  14. Might I add, bumping is not allowed.
  15. I've been harassing the kids lately, telling them to make a real bug report or leave (only in some cases). Just trying to find ways to make helping dumb people not so painful :)
  16. Too bad no one will read this :(
  17. Use the forum search function to find a solution to this problem, there are lots of reports just like yours. Also, read the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS sticky.
  18. Which 64 bit system are you using, and your description is rather vague.
  19. (I didn't think this suggestion belonged in the modders metropolis section, since it's for bug reports.) I think having another section in the report for "Solutions you have tried" may help. It's a hassle to get some people just to provide the basic information, let alone say what they've tried. I figure, maybe having a section where they can put their fix attempts may help. Or it will just be another box where kids put 'idk' or ignore completely, you never know.
  20. Use the forum search function to search about this problem, there are fixes, you just need to find them. If you don't want to do that, read the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS stickied thread.
  21. If you can't supply the information, don't make a bug report. You can play tekkit by installing the mods individually. But you have already told me you don't have the intelligence to do so. Overall, if you are going to make a complaint, then make excuses for not being able to provide information, ask mommy and daddy to try to fix it for you. If you are too young to determine the information we need, then you are too young to be playing this game. Edit: and don't multi-post, use the edit button.
  22. I usually restart my computer, doesn't fix, just makes it better for a while
  23. Thanks! When I Google'd it, nothing was all that simple. But it could be brain shut down from working with dumb people this weekend :)
  24. So you are looking for game modifications. Sorry, I do not aid in trickery!
  25. Are you asking for the game modifications or people to moderate your server?
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