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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Do not bump your posts. Include the java version, tell us if you have an antivirus on, and what operating system you have, not the computer, post a log. Regardless, you posted this in the wrong section. You want the tekkit bug boards. Launcher bugs end when you get the mojang screen. Read the rules.
  2. My husband found a creeper. That's about it so far. I especially like this from that link: This is an excellent nod of respect to Mojang and Minecraft in general. A tip of the hat to Gearbox for putting this together! And just for some entertaining reads (since I myself have not played yet, though I have been watching my husband play) http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Borderlands_2_Easter_Eggs
  3. my cat's defense mechanism: fall to her side and meow.

  4. I have not received a prompt to update my launcher lately. So I can venture a guess that my launcher version ( is the current version. If OP made a mistake, it was a very bad typo. (can't help but giggle a little bit :] )
  5. OP, that solution may help you. Also, which 'latest' java are you using, the latest 6 or 7.
  6. You have a very outdated launcher...
  7. Do not bump posts. Read the rules.
  8. Here, I will tell you EXACTLY what to google: "How to tell if my internet is blocking [insert desired blocked items here]" I don't know what your computer specs are. You have Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit. You have Java 7. I cannot see your computer to tell if you are telling me the truth, I don't know if you updated from the last "latest" version of Java 7, or the Launcher. Just because you don't have an anti-virus active doesn't mean your firewall isn't preventing access to something. I would bet that you did not read this sticky. I can also bet that you didn't use the search function of the forums to try other options to fix your problem. Want to be a sarcastic asshole? Bring it. Next time read the rules before posting two bug reports in one day.
  9. ...I don't want to live on this planet any longer.
  10. You all need to read the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS stickied thread. And use the search function of the forums. Many before you have had this problem and solved it. (Hint: usually running the wrong Java)
  11. I'm hoping someone from the forum staff will see this and verify if it is a good fix. If it is, it may make a lot of lives much easier! And I've learned a few things from your thread So thank you sir!
  12. Okay, care to tell the rest of the world? In the chance that someone else has the same issue, I can pretty well guarantee they may be upset to see you had the same problem, but didn't post your solution.
  13. Also, according to that log, you do not have a 64 bit os.
  14. Xfilez, you need to understand how to fill out a bug report before submitting one. Read the common problems and solutions thread stickied to the top of the forum.
  15. You seem to be fairly intelligent. You only need one version of java (which the recommended version is still java 7), and you need to read the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS thread.
  16. You are an idiot. Here is why: Stop threadjacking.
  17. You are an idiot. Here is why: Stop threadjacking.
  18. Okay! Now I know :)
  19. I was ignoring him.
  20. What I meant by select it manually: once it is downloaded, you can select your build manually.
  21. English, grammar and sentence structure please. That made no sense.
  22. Read the (questions) section of technicpack.net. After a new launcher is released-and you update, you must manually select the build you want. This of is as: you update your windows from vista to 7. You can't run vista once you have 7 (this is a very basic example, based on not doing anything extra).
  23. You need to read the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS sticky.
  24. You are trying to download an outdated version of the launcher. Don't allow it to update, or manually choose a different build.
  25. From what I read, the button is disabled to prevent people from accidentally screwing with it. If you want to remove a mod, you have to do it manually.
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