Don't beg. Don't bump. Use the edit button. Post when you get home. Ok?
We can't help you presently.
Edit: because you insist on getting help when we cannot provide any, we will ridicule you for being so impatient.
Uninstall and delete Java and the Launcher and start over.
Your Launcher version is wrong, and Java 2 is really wrong.
While you're reinstalling/downloading, disable Norton. (or get rid of it and get avast!)
Check Jeb's twitter, or other MC related web postings (the stuff on that they tell you to go to if you want info). They may just be having trouble with some authentication servers. If we see more bugs/posts related to this, then it's probably on MC's side of things.
I was thinking at work today. There's no way all of these people are having issues with Norton (almost all have had Norton) and have some program they don't know about. Bunches of red flags! So, everyone, perform some antivirus, spyware and other-malware scans :)
You shouldn't have 2 AV's. Uninstall java, delete the entire .techniclauncher folder, then reinstall and redownload the correct versions of both for your computer.
Yes, if you want to install each and every mod and plugin individually.
If you like XP so much, don't upgrade to another OS ever. But keep in mind, in the next year or two, windows is no longer going to support XP.
I agree, because IRL, you are sitting right with the person that angers you, and you just want to take a swipe at them. Anyways, me and Gavjenks are now allies in the Technic Battles, so it's all okay. :D
For example, right now I'm semi-raging at the person that beat me at jazz piano auditions, but because he's a grade ahead of me, I don't have to see him often.